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En julio de 1896 la llegaron a Rosario el misionario Rvdo. Hugh Blair y su hermana Katherine. Esto significó un adelanto en el trabajo de la Iglesia Anglicana. Rosario ya crecía rápidamente dada su importancia como centro de vías ferroviarias y puerto fluvial.

Entre 1886 y 1890 el Ferrocarril Central Argentino había construido sus talleres al noroeste del centro de la ciudad. Pasando los talleres ferroviarios estaba la zona residencial de Alberdi.

El Rvdo. Blair contaba con un ayudante, el Revdo. Jasper B. Hunt. Esto le permitió responder a los llamados de los miembros de la iglesia que vivían en los alrededores de Rosario. Como resultado de estas visitas Blair decidió ampliar el ministerio de San Bartolomé, localizado en el centro de la ciudad de Rosario. En 1897 abrió otro centro en el barrio de Alberdi dejándolo a Hunt a cargo de la iglesia principal.

La otra preocupación de Blair era el futuro de los niños huérfanos de padres británicos, en forma paralela a la preocupación del Revdo. William C. Morris que trabajaba en el barrio de Palermo de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Blair y su hermana Katherine ya habían alojado en su casa un número creciente de niños, dándoles un hogar seguro y feliz.

El resultado de esta preocupación fue la fundación en 1897 del Allen Gardiner Memorial Institution en Alberdi con el apoyo de la Sociedad Misionera Sundamericana. Con el tiempo llegaron a tener dos escuelas y hogares para niños y niñas. En 1898 Blair fundó la Junín English School en Junín, Provincia de Buenos Aires. Vea las páginas Historia de la Allen Gardiner Memorial Institution, y Historia de la Iglesia San Bartolomé de Rosario

Los registros de bautismo muestran que Blair continuó viajando por los alrededores de Rosario sirviendo las necesidades espirituales de las familias de inmigrantes británicos.

En 1906 la institución, Allen Gardiner Memorial Homes, se mudó a Los Cocos, Sierras Chicas de Córdoba. Hugh Blair continuó como director hasta 1923. En Alberdi las escuelas Spanish Free School y la English School continuaron hasta mediados de la década de 1920. Una iglesia que se construyó en Alberdi en 1907-08 fue usada por la congregación Anglicana hasta 1937. Posteriormente se vendió a la Iglesia Metodista y está todavía en uso.

With the arrival of the missionary Rev. Hugh Blair and his sister Katherine in Rosario in July 1896, the work of the Anglican Church took another significant step forward. By then, Rosario was rapidly growing as a result of its importance as a railway centre and a port on the River Paraná.

Between 1886 and 1890, the Central Argentine Railway constructed its major workshops and locomotive repairs centre northwest of the city centre. Beyond it, lay the residential zone of Alberdi.

Blair had the help of an assistant minister, the Rev. Jasper B. Hunt. This freed him to respond to the calls to him to visit members of the Anglican Church living in the region around Rosario. As a result of what he found, he decided that the ministry at St Bartholomew's, located in the centre of Rosario, should be enlarged by opening up a second centre of activity in the suburb of Alberdi. This he did in 1897, leaving Hunt in charge of the main church.

His other major preoccupation was the future of orphaned children of British descent. In this he was echoing the pastoral concerns of the Rev. William C. Morris, working in Palermo, Buenos Aires. He and Katherine had been giving, in their own home, an increasing number of such children a place to live with security and happiness.

The outcome was the foundation in 1897 of the Allen Gardiner Memorial Institution in Alberdi by Blair with the support of the South American Missionary Society. In time, this consisted of two schools and a boys' and a girls' home. In 1898, he also found the Junín English School in the Province of Buenos Aires. Follow these links for a more extended history of this work: History of the Allen Gardiner Memorial Institution and History of St Bartholomew's Church.

At the same time, the baptism registers show that Blair continued to travel into the surrounding country districts in his desire to meet the spiritual needs of families who had migrated from Great Britain.

In 1906, Hugh Blair moved with the Allen Gardiner Homes to Los Cocos, Sierras Chicas de Córdoba, and continued to serve as Director until 1923. In Alberdi, the Spanish Free School and the English School continued until the mid 1920s. A church was built on the Alberdi site in 1907-08 and remained in use for an Anglican congregation until 1937. It was sold sometime afterwards to the Methodist Church and is still in use.

# Fecha nacido Fecha bautizado Candidato Nombre del padre Nombre de la madre Domicilio Profesión Padrinos ofic.
1 24/2/1894 29/7/1897 Battcock, Rosa Anna Frederick William Jane Pergamino Empleado Ferrocarril George Scott, Jannet G. Battcock WHTB
2 x/3/1897 8/8/1897 Dove, Margaret Mary John Bain Margaret Bain Talleres del FCCA, Rosario FC empleado Alexander McCormack Lamb, Annie Alice King WHTB
3 11/8/1897 31/10/1897 Gould, Ernest Robert Kate Estancia "Las Rosas" Labrador Charlotte Salmon, Robert Gould WHTB
4 1/10/1897 21/11/1897 Thompson, George Henry George Sarah Junín Forjador de metales Keir Snowdon, Emma Taylor WHTB
5 20/11/1894 20/12/1896 Hansen, Carlos Adolfo Henry Carl Arnold Anna Usinger Cañada de Gómez FC empleado Adolf Usinger, Catalina Kilchenman WHTB
6 17/9/1896 20/12/1896 Hansen, Wilhelm August Henry Carl Arnold Anna Usinger Cañada de Gómez FC empleado Peter Adolf August Schnack, Margarita Schnack WHTB
7 15/7/1892 21/12/1897 Zbirden, Anita Carlota Carlos August Anna Zilla Carlos Pellegrini (born at Los Cardos) Ladrillero Roberto König, Elisa König WHTB
8 17/8/1893 21/12/1897 Zbirden, Margarita Carlos August Anna Zilla Carlos Pellegrini (born at Los Cardos) Ladrillero Roberto König, Elisa König WHTB
9 10/4/1896 21/12/1897 Sharvey, Antonita Catalina Juan Sharvey Anna Zilla Zbirden Carlos Pellegrini Herrero Roberto König, Elisa König WHTB
10 11/9/1896 20/3/1898 Unwin, Phylis Euphemia Albert Harry Florence Ellen Alberdi Gerente de la Compia. Electricidad Rosario de Sta. Fe Francis Charles Marty, Euphemia Kidd Anderson de Marty WHTB
11 19/3/1897 29/3/1898 Camarasa, Francisco Jaime Dolores Campo de San José de la Esquina Chacarero Antomnio Camarasa, Modesta Hidalgo JD
12 4/2/1898 25/4/1898 Achen, Enrique Guillermo Pedro Enrique Emma Elizabeth Stauch de Rosario Corredor Enrique Becker, Alberto Stauch, Pastora Arganaraz de Stauch, Matilda Irigoyen de Becker JD
13 25/1/1898 29/5/1898 Perrinet, Maria Luisa Francisco Mysie Milne de Junín Péon Walter Malcolm Cole, Emma Rebecca Cole WHTB
14 26/9/1897 29/5/1898 Downes, Charles Douglas Charles Fanny Junín Mechanic George Nancollas, Bessie Nancollas WHTB
15 26/1/1898 29/5/1898 White, Evaline James Edith Junín Engine driver o mecanista Charles Rogers, Martha Rogers WHTB
16 9/3/1898 29/5/1898 Moffat, John John Julia Junín Mecánico Llewellyn Williams Makin, Winifred Taylor WHTB
17 23/9/1896 5/6/1898 Guppy, Gladys Caroline Albert Helen Maud Santiago Temple, FCCyR Jefe de estación Harry Herbert Keen, Constance Amelia Sutton, Emily Ragg WHTB
18 3/9/1897 5/6/1898 Sorensen, Bertha Luisa Christian Julius Maria Luisa Córdoba Empleado del FC Alejandra de Roths, Margarita Johansen WHTB
19 19/1/1894 5/6/1898 Atkinson, William Herbert John Arnold Albertina Augusta Córdoba Empleado del FC William Olle, William Dahse, Maria Dahse WHTB
20 4/12/1897 5/6/1898 Dahse, Albertina Luise August Wilhelm Maria Wilhelmina Córdoba Mecánico John A. Atkinson, Albertina A. Atkinson, Maria W. Dahse WHTB
21 2/8/1893 5/6/1898 Chappell, Charles Fredrick Arthur Duncan Jessie Córdoba Empleado del FC Arthur Duncan Chappell, Mary Wortley WHTB
22 1/5/1898 5/6/1898 Aird, George Washington John Henry Lucia Córdoba Empleado del FC Ambrosia Tarelli, Gaetano Tarelli, Juan Galli WHTB
23 27/1/1898 17/6/1898 Thompson, Winifred Amy George Frank Edith Margaret Estancia "Santa Isabel", Venado Tuerto Estanciero Fredrick William James, Mary Elisabeth Cleveland Waller, May Thompson WHTB
24 5/1/1898 7/8/1898 Doy, Ricardo Guillermo Enrique Doy Luisa Kaufmann Alberdi   Guillermo Conrad, Ana Conrad JD
25 19/1/1897 21/8/1898 Damon, Cecil ap Iwan William Thomas Florence Augusta La Carlota, Córdoba Province Administrador General del Ferrocarril Mihangel ap Iwan, Edith May York WHTB
26 3/7/1898 2/10/1898 Pluss, Luisa Ida Santiago Berta San José de la Esquina Labrador Luisa Pluss, Alberto Gerhardt JD
27 22/3/1898 2/10/1898 Capetillo, José Feliciano Juana San José de la Esquina Labrador Juan Coskish, Antonia Estevez JD
28 8/4/1898 27/9/1898 Herring, William Leslie James Muir Gertrude Emily Villa Constitución Accountant Sarah Jane Herring, David Leslie Glass WHTB
29 24/9/1898 20/10/1898 Downes, Fanny Charles Fanny Junín Mecánico Llewellyn Williams Makin, Elizabeth Thompson WHTB
30 30/4/1898 18/10/1898 Locke, Arthur James William Henry Mary Jane McClelland de Pergamino Mecanista James McConvey, Filomena Parente WHTB
31 26/2/1891 19/12/1898 Tipping, John Henry Edmund Henry Emma "La Central", Junín Chacarero Señora Allen, Henry Tipping WHTB
32 24/2/1894 19/12/1898 Tipping, Annie Argentine Henry Emma "La Central", Junín Chacarero Señora Edith May York, Emma Tipping WHTB
33 11/7/1898 8/1/1899 Ransdale, Edith Cordelia Herbert James Jacobina Las Rosas Contador William F. Ransdale, Maria Ransdale, Paz Severo WHTB
34 26/12/1898 8/1/1899 Ransdale, Ethel Alfred Henry Paz Severo Rosario Corredor Herbert James Ransdale, Cordelia Gay, Jacobina Ransdale WHTB
35 16/12/1897 29/12/1898 Harding, Lillian Edith Thomas Edith Pergamino Mecanista Robert Matthias, Edith Mary Harris WHTB
36 3/3/1898 11/1/1899 Loveless, Walter Austin Sydney George Mary Anne Alfonzo, FCCA Jefe de estación Thomas Gotheridge, Hahhah Gotheridge WHTB
37 27/10/1898 31/1/1899 Olivier, Blanca Carlota Eduardo Adela Rosario Litógrafo Clemente Cousteils, Emilia Dardanic JD
38 13/8/1898 30/1/1899 Bohnhoff, Paula Veronica Max Anna Pergamino Mecanista Bernardo Nordenholz, Bertha Nordenholz WHTB
39 20/8/1895 30/1/1899 Schiele, Matilde Gustavo Adolfo Matilde Pergamino Confitero Francisco Schiele, Matilde H. de Schiele WHTB
40 13/3/1897 30/1/1899 Schiele, Eugenio Gustavo Gustavo Adolfo Matilde Pergamino Confitero Eugenio Schiele, Bertha Schiele WHTB
41 21/11/1898 30/1/1899 Schiele, Else Juana Gustavo Adolfo Matilde Pergamino Confitero Alfredo Kabel, Ema S. de Aguirre WHTB
42 16/5/1899 31/5/1899 Taylor, Albert Alexander Samuel Emma Watling de Junín Mecanista John Alexander Forest, Elizabeth Thompson, Samuel Taylor WHTB
43 19/4/1899 13/7/1899 Hill, Stephen Ernest Ernest Clifford Edith Frances Estancia "Las Tres Arboles", El Trebol Estanciero Mary Agnes Burgess, Edmund Barnard Traill, John Rutherford Horner WHTB
44 19/11/1897 17/9/1899 Parsons, John Ernest Sampson Mary Anne Launders de Junín Engine Driver John Lauders, Ernest Sampson Parsons WHTB
45 26/6/1899 12/9/1899 Morison, Herbero Jorge Tomás Rebeca Dodd Talleres del FCCA, Rosario Maquinista Juan C. Dodd, Ridley Horton, Flora MacGregor de Dodd JD
46 18/7/1897 23/8/1897 Pritchard, Walter George Walter James Matilda Maria Krieg de Venado Tuerto Mecanista William Ratcliffe, Frances Ratcliffe WHTB
47 13/12/1898 29/11/1899 Perigo, John William John William Elenor Caroline Talleres del FCCA, Rosario Mecanista George Hayes, Elvira Hayes WHTB
48 12/8/1894 3/11/1899 Michael, Carlos Constantino Maria Alberdi Tapizero Ricardo y Marta Erefelche JD
49 11/12/1899 20/12/1899 Dobbs, Katherine Adelaide Alice Edmund Alexander Katherine Alice Blair de Estancia Las Palmas, Carlos Pellegrini Estanciero Mary Rogerson Searle, Annie Elizabeth Poyntz, Rev. W. Hugh T. Blair, Rev. Arthur Austin Blair, Rev. Harold Holmes Blair WHTB
50 15/3/1899 16/2/1900 Battcock, Miguel Federico Frederick Walter Juana Manzini Melincué Empleado, FCCA Lisa Gertrude Edwards, José Miguel Carrera WHTB
51 7/11/1899 16/2/1900 Walmisley, Flora Pricilla Albert Ernest Margaret Jane Pergamino Clerk, FCCA Albert Ernest Walmisley, Edith Mary Harris, Thomas Leonard Cornwall Edwards WHTB
52 24/4/1899 20/5/1900 Toscano, Enriqueta Jerónimo Luisa Lucena de Alberdi Empleado Emily Pegrum, Catharine Elizabeth Jones, W. Hugh T. Blair WHTB
53 1/3/1900 23/7/1900 Pritchard, Hellenora Matilda Walter James Matilda Maria Krieg de Cañada de Gómez Mecanista Elvira Hayes, George Hayes WHTB
54 20/11/1898 30/9/1900 Heinecke, Alcira Felisa Teodoro Joesefa Fiallo de Corrientes, Corrientes Province Impresor y Encuadernador Juan Fiallo, Rosalia B. de Fiallo WHTB
55 2/1/1900 30/9/1900 Heinecke, Josefa Martiniana Teodoro Joesefa Fiallo de Corrientes, Corrientes Province Impresor y Encuadernador Juan Fiallo, Rosalia B. de Fiallo WHTB
56 31/5/1900 28/10/1900 Ransdale, Wilfred Robert Herbert James Jacobina Dewar de The Oaks, Alberdi Broker Walter Robert Ransdale, Leah Wigley WHTB
57 19/3/1900 28/10/1900 Ransdale, Jeanie Elizabeth Alfred Henry Paz Braudi de Cochabamba 664, Rosario Broker George Lewis Ransdale, Annie Ransdale WHTB
58 22/8/1900 11/11/1900 Hunt, Alfred Lionel Alfred Lillie Alberdi Profesor de Colegio William Hugh Thompson Blair, Annie Elizabeth Poyntz de Blair EPC
59 22/8/1900 11/11/1900 Hunt, Victor Stanley Alfred Lillie Alberdi Profesor de Colegio William Hugh Thompson Blair, Annie Elizabeth Poyntz de Blair EPC
60 5/8/1900 23/12/1900 Sims, Lila Beatrice Robert Richard Rosa Elisa Talleres del FCCA, Rosario Mecanista José Antonio Bozano, Fortunata Motura WHTB
61 2/9/1900 30/12/1900 Mallet, Claud Ian Hugh Montague Henry Octavia Durango de Alberdi H. B. M. Consul Robert Gore Studdert, Albert Harry Unwin, Florence Ellen Unwin WHTB
62 31/5/1900 3/2/1901 Cazzaretto, Ana Antonio Ana Perosio de Alberdi Herrero Lorenzo Cazzaretto, Catalina Cazzaretto, Catalina Poggi de Perosio JD
63 29/8/1900 30/3/1901 Pina, Juana Rosa Rosa Pina Cristina Nuñas Pergamino Peón Jorge Enrique Edwards y Junita Isabel Edwards WHTB
64 26/7/1901 6/10/1901 Journeur, Elisa Berta Luis Maria Ryes López Alberdi Chacarero Fernando Guittet, Mary Nolan JD
65 8/11/1901 14/11/1901 Journeur, Adolfina Bernarda Alberdi Enrique Journeur, Maria Nolan JD
66 22/2/1894 29/6/1902 Boivin, Marcelina Pedro Ana Alberdi Jardinero José Aliquot, Catarina Eugenia WHTB
67 14/1/1898 29/6/1902 Boivin, Pedro Pedro Ana Alberdi Jardinero José Aliquot, Catarina Eugenia WHTB
68 13/11/1901 29/6/1902 Boivin, Ana Fernanda Pedro Ana Alberdi Jardinero Prudencio Hermer, Fernanda Pizzi WHTB
69 6/11/1901 13/7/1902 Zarate, Isabel Domingo Romelia Alberdi Trabajador Juan Delgado, Aurelia Piombo WHTB
70 10/7/1901 13/7/1902 Ransdale, Ernest Edward Alfred Henry Paz Rosario Corredor Walter Robert Ransdale, Dorothy May Ransdale WHTB
fuente: archivo Iglesia San Bartolomé, Rosario, 44-11-01/02, 44-21-01/02
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