Kelly's Merchants and Manufacturers of the World 1903, Argentina

Kelly, 1903— Buenos Aires, first part    Buenos Aires, second part    Provinces

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Bahia Blanca

Cumming Charles C - British Vice-Consul
Allardice P B - Wheat Exporter
Barker Guiillermo - Commission Agent
Cumming Charles C - Commission Agent, Merchant, Land Agent, Shipbroker, Private Banker, Produce Broker, Wheat Exporter
Edmond Robert (Barraca Argentina) - Wool Baling Establishment
Geddes Bros - Commission Merchant
Hutton Juan - Commission Agent
Jones Walter T - Agents Steamship & Ship Brokers
Long Bartolomé e hijos (flour) - Merchant
Moore y Brunel - Produce Brokers
Weigall y Ehlert - Wheat Exporters


Budge O - British Vice-Consul
Baron & Guiroy - Wine Growers
Budge O & Cia - Oil Manufacturer
Cross A - Furniture Merchant
Farquharson J M - Commission Merchant
Farquharson hnos - Commission Merchants
McCall & Cia (tongue preserving) - Beef Preserves
O'Connor David - Wine Grower
Reeve & Wauer - Commission Merchants
Robinson Brothers - Merchants & Wine Growers
Robinson hermanos - Produce Merchants


Munro D M - British Vice-Consul
Cunnington F - Mineral Waters


Dolland & Miranda - Jewellers & Watchmakers
Harvey & Uriburi - Merchants


Oliver Gabriel - Commission Merchants


Bury R H Oliver - General Stores
Bury Oliver R H owner of La Union - Cattle & Sheep Farm
Calderon Dr J G owner of Santa Rosa - Cattle & Sheep Farm
Darbyshire Henry manager of Las Cabezas - Cattle & Sheep Farm
Milne Guillermo - Sociedad Inglesa - Preserved Meat Manufacture
Moran G E owner of La Palma - Cattle & Sheep Farm
Moran G E & Co - Merchants
O'Dwyer John manager of San Guillermo - Cattle & Sheep Farm
Raikes A M manager of Las Colas - Cattle & Sheep Farm


Pemberton Horacio C - Commission Agent
Leach, Hnos y Cia - Sugar Manufacturer

La Plata

Puleston E T - British Vice-Consul
Puleston Sidney H - British Pro-Consul
Cory Brothers Ltd - Coal Merchants
Eyres & Latierro - Merchants General
March Jaime - Merchant General
Moran Argemino - Merchant General
Mudd J & Co - Coal Merchant
Puleston E T - Shipping Agent, Commission and General Merchant
Wilson Sons & Co Ltd - Shipping Agents and Coal Merchants


Bax Henry - Merchant
Day Arturo F y Cia - Agricultural Machinery Importers
Holder Juan G - Machine Manufacturer
Leyton Julio - Hardware Merchant

Mercedes, Buenos Aires

Court Eduardo - General Merchants
Thomas Arturo y Cía - General Store


Clarck C W - British Vice-Consul

Rosario de Santa Fe

Mallet H - British Consul
Nolan A S - British Vice-Consul
Ayers J M - U S Consul
Page Thomas - U S Vice-Consul
Barnes A M - Agricultural Machinery Importer, Commission Merchant and Agent, Merchants
Barnett y Cia - Commercial Brokers, Commission Merchants and Agents, Agents Shipping (Royal Mail Line), San Lorenzo 1041
Beck and Johnson - Timber Merchants
Benett A J & Co - Merchants
Benitz Hnos - Commission Merchants and Agents, Santa Fe 1050
Clarke A H - Commission Merchant and Agent, San Martin 541
Davison Guillermo - Commission Merchant and Agent, Santa Fe 1163
Day Benjamin - Drug Merchant and Chemists
Day Robert - Drug Merchant and Chemists
Day & Co - Chemists
Day y Cia - Commercial Brokers, San Martin 525
Eggington & Evans - Commission Merchants and Agents, Santa Fe 1163
Forest Carlos & Co - Merchants, Watchmaker and Jeweller
Ferguson H S - Agent for Lamport & Holt, Maipu 648
Harriet Juan - Timber Merchant
Houlder Bros Co Ltd - Shipping Agents (Houlder Line), San Martin 446
Keenan Santiago - Commission Merchant and Agent, Santa Fe 1070
Kelly & Grenon - Commission Merchants and Agents
Lambert Leory & Co - Watchmaker and Jeweller
Macmillan - Chemist
Middleton Enrique - Commission Merchant and Agent, Santa Fe 960
Miller Adam - Watchmaker and Jeweller
Moore & Tudor - Machine Merchants
Mudd J & Co - Coal Merchants
Neil - Commercial Broker, Libertad 873
Newte E - Commercial Broker, San Lorenzo 1033
Ransdale & Cia - Commercial Brokers, Sta Fe 1178
Samson W y Cia - Shipping Agents (Allan Line), Bajada 156
Taylor Paul W - Drug Merchant and Chemists
Topping & Scavill - Ironfounders
van Oppen W G - Corredor, Commission Merchant and Agent and Timber Merchant Santa Fe 1070
Wilson Sons y Cia - Shipping Agents (Pacific Steam Navigation Co), San Lorenzo 1125
Wilson Sons & Co Ltd - Coal Merchants


Fleming Miguel - Chemist
Fleming Santiago - Chemist

San Miguel de Tucumán

Hill Guillermo - Sugar Grower

San Nicolás de Los Arroyos

Tucker G W - British Vice-Consul
Daniel S B - Forwarding Agent
Noble & Basualda - Hardware Merchants
Nelson Juan e hijos - Preserved Meat Manufacturer & Exporter

Santa Fe

Richards, Stevens & Whiting - Merchants (General & Livestock)
Stoddart & Co - Merchants (foundry)

Villa Formosa

Thompson E - Sugar Cane Grower

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