República Oriental del Uruguay

Anglican, Scots and Methodist Church Baptisms and Marriages in Uruguay and Entre Rios, Argentina

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The Anglican, Scots and Methodist Churches in Uruguay Link
Anglican Church Baptisms
    Salto and Entre Rios, 1868-1920
Anglican Church Marriages
    Fray Bentos and Entre Rios, 1871-1892
    Salto and Entre Rios, 1869-1912
Burials in the English Cemetery, Salto, 1869-1920
Scots Church, Uruguay and Entre Rios
    Baptisms, 1866-1883
    Marriages, 1868-1883
Methodist Church, Montevideo
    Baptisms, 1841-1842
    Marriages, 1839-1842
The Revd. Lachlan McNeill

Salto Baptisms

Fray Bentos Marriages
Salto Marriages
Salto Burials

Scots Church Baptisms
Scots Marriages

bautismos metodistas
matrim. metodistas
Lachlan McNeill

Holy Trinity Church, Montevideo

Holy Trinity Church, Montevideo

photograph: Martin Mac Allister

© La forma de presentación de estos datos se reserva al autor, Jeremy Howat, abril 2010