Iglesia Evangélica Metodista Argentina

Buenos Aires Episcopal Methodist Church, marriages 1843-1860

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Buenos Aires Episcopal Methodist Church, marriages 1843-1851

# vol/page date man's name residence
woman's name nationality witnesses married at notes pastor
# tomo/pág fecha nombre novio domicilio
nombre novia domicilio nacionalidad testigos casados en notas ofic.
1 1/8, 2/51, 4/6 29/5/1843 Slifer, Mr   Whiting, formerly Thomas, Mary Ann   bride's mother, brother and daughter in the house of the parties the bride died the same morning in her own home WHN
2 1/8, 2/51, 4/6 1/7/1843 Pingel, Heinrich Danish Santo, Julianna Carlista German bride's father and eight or ten Germans, James Bostick in the pastor's house both Protestants; the ceremony was performed in English and translated into German and read by Mr N.H. Junge WHN
3 1/8, 2/51, 4/6 x/7/1843 Reynolds, John British Hireberry, Joanna Swedish several friends in the bridegroom's house, Calle Cangallo the banns were published according to law WHN
4 1/8, 2/51, 4/6 22/10/1843 Nilson, Charles   Ulrickson, Christina Wilhelmina   several friends in the pastor's house the banns were published according to law WHN
5 1/8, 2/51, 4/6 14/10/1844 Choute [Chute], Thomas P. Malden, Mass. Pearse, Mary Stoke Damerel, England   in the pastor's house the bride was a widow WHN
6 1/9, 2/51, 4/6 5/8/1845 Abercrombie, John Airdrie, Scotland Maugham, Mary Jane Newcastle, England bride's father, sister Margaret, mother and ten or twelve other persons in the bridegroom's rooms in calle Restaurador de las Leyes the banns having been first published in our church three times WHN
7 1/9, 2/51, 4/6 18/7/1846 McLellan, William A. State of Maine, USA, now resident in Buenos Aires Smith, Harriet Buenos Aires bride's father, two sisters and Jane M. Tuksbury Methodist Episcopal Church   WHN
8 1/9, 2/51, 4/6 x/x/1846 Colomb, Antonio USA Gain, Emma E. British W. M. Brent, Mr and Mrs Hallet and many other persons the house of Hon. W. Brent, U.S. Chargé d'Affaires both servants in the family of the Hon. W. M. Brent, Jr., US Chargé d'Affaires; having been omitted at the time this record is made Aug 17 1846 WHN
9 1/9, 2/51, 4/6 8/2/1847 Duncan, Thomas Northumberland, England Robertson, Isabella Buenos Aires bride's stepfather and mother, Robert W. Cairns, A. L. Van Blarcom and others Methodist Episcopal Church   WHN
10 1/10, 2/51, 4/6 26/4/1847 Blake, William Samuel Buenos Aires Cook, Mary Ellen Buenos Aires the parents of both bridegroom and bride in the house of her stepfather Jonathan Lewis at the Old Protestant Cemetery the banns had been published according to law WHN
11 1/10, 2/51, 4/6 26/7/1847 Ashton, Richard Preston, England Weson, Ellen Londonderry, Ireland Mary and Agrass Campbell, Daniel Hudson the pastor's house the parties having made the usual declarations before Patrick McLean, Acting Consul for H. B. M. as appeared by his certificate and having been published in our church according to law WHN
12 1/10, 2/51, 4/6 12/6/1848 Greenwood, Samuel Gay U.S.A. Battley, Sarah England the bride's mother, William McKern, A. Lines Van Blarcom and numerous friends Methodist Episcopal Church both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church DDL
13 1/10, 2/52, 4/6 27/7/1848 Henderson, George English Cook, Cecilia English   Methodist Episcopal Church the parties having obtained license according to the law of this Republic DDL
14 1/11, 2/52, 4/6 22/8/1848 Franklin, Joseph U.S.A. Brown, Ann Buenos Aires   Methodist Episcopal Church   DDL
15 1/11, 2/52, 4/6 2/11/1848 Powell, Thomas English Stevens, Sarah English   Methodist Episcopal Church bridegroom and bride resident in Buenos Aires; the parties had obtained license DDL
16 1/11, 2/52, 4/6 22/12/1848 Smith, George W. New York Yates, Ellen U. Buenos Aires   in he house of Alfred Horton both Protestants DDL
17 1/11, 2/52, 4/8 14/1/1849 Lester, James English Pierce, Susan Buenos Aires     the parties obtained license according the to laws of the Republic DDL
18 1/11, 2/52, 4/8 8/5/1849 McKern, William Buenos Aires Miller, Jessie Buenos Aires     the parties having obtained license in accordance with the laws of this Republic DDL
19 1/11, 2/52, 4/8 2/6/1849 Moore, Thomas English Gatliff, Jane English Capt. John Moore and the members of my family at the pastor's house   DDL
20 1/12, 2/52, 4/8 9/7/1849 Hilliard, John Edward English Bell, Anne Lindsay English numerous friends at the house of Mrs Roberts   DDL
21 1/12, 2/52, 4/8 11/8/1849 Allison, William English Wilson, Mary English Mr Southron, wife and others at the pastor's house   DDL
22 1/12, 2/52, 4/8 5/4/1850 Parks, Henry English Roberts, Elizabeth English bride's parents and several others at the pastor's house certificate signed by Mr Bentley and John Jeffries DDL
23 1/12, 2/52, 4/8 x/x/1850 Cook, William English McLean, Elizabeth English bridegroom's and pride's parents at the house of Mr Froggatt   DDL
24 1/12, 2/52, 4/8 15/8/1850 Carpenter, Henry Lawrence Buenos Aires Welsh, Isabella   several witnesses at the house of the bride's adoptive parents the parties having obtained license in accordance to laws DDL
25 1/12, 2/52, 4/8 17//9/1850 Noble, James M. Buenos Aires Smart, Mary Buenos Aires   at the home of the bride's parents in accordance with the laws of this Province DDL
26 1/13, 2/53, 4/8 15/12/1850 Newland, Thomas British Welsh, Mary British   at the house of Mr Daniel Hudson in the country   DDL
27 1/13, 2/53, 4/8 24/12/1850 Carson, William J. U.S.A. Greenwood, Sarah English Mr and Mrs Lester, Mr and Mrs Mason at the house of Thomas Mason in this city   DDL
28 1/13, 2/53, 4/8 28/12/1850 Colton, William Coupland Buenos Aires Hill, Louisa Buenos Aires Mrs Lore, her sister, Miss Foy & Mrs Ann Smith at the pastor's house married according to the rites of the Methodist Episcopal Church DDL
29 1/13, 2/53, 4/8 1/1/1851 Plunkett, John U.S.A. Little [Liddle], Anna English numerous witnesses at the house of Mrs Dupignac   DDL
30 1/13, 2/53, 4/8 7/2/1851 Greig, Alexander British Robertson, Ellen British the parents and several witnesses at the house of Mrs Lee   DDL
31 1/13, 2/54, 4/8 29/3/1851 Colton, William Copeland Buenos Aires Hill, Louisa Buenos Aires A. Lines Van Blarcom & others in the pastor's house married according to the laws of this province, they having obtained the necessary license; see date 28/12/1850 DDL
32 1/14, 2/54, 4/8 27/4/1851 Gould, Henry English Brabson, Ann English   in the pastor's house the parties obtained license DDL
33 1/14, 2/54, 4/10 29/4/1851 Sproul, Matthew English Baird, Elizabeth English   at Mr James Shaw's house according to the laws of this country DDL
34 1/14, 2/54, 4/10 11/6/1851 Marshall, John Buenos Aires Noble, Mary Buenos Aires   at Mrs Noble's house the parties having obtained license DDL
35 1/14, 2/54, 4/10 7/8/1851 Woodley, George Buenos Aires Thompson, Eliza Buenos Aires Alexander Fleming, Kate Graham Methodist Episcopal Church the parties having obtained license DDL
36 1/14, 2/54, 4/10 27/8/1851 Aikens, John F. Buenos Aires Gibson, Agnes Buenos Aires   at the house of the bride's father according to the laws of this country DDL
37 1/14, 2/54, 4/10 17/9/1851 Van Blarcom, A. Lines U.S.A. Foy, Abigail Reeves U.S.A.   Methodist Episcopal Church according to the laws of this country DDL
38 1/14, 2/54, 4/10 2/10/1851 McIntyre, William Buenos Aires Cathcart, Isabella Buenos Aires   at the pastor's house according to the laws of the country DDL
39 1/14, 2/54, 4/10 16/10/1851 Ross, John Buenos Aires Cornfoot, Isabella Buenos Aires   Methodist Episcopal Church according to the laws of the country and having obtained license DDL
40 2/55, 4/10 17/12/1851 Heincké, Henry E. Buenos Aires O'Hara, Winifred M. Buenos Aires   at the pastor's house according to the laws of this province DDL

Buenos Aires Episcopal Methodist Church, marriages 1852-1860

# vol/page date man's name residence woman's name residence married at notes pastor
# tomo/pág fecha nombre novio domicilio nombre novia domicilio casados en notas ofic.
41 2/55, 4/10 31/3/1852 Forest, James G. D. Buenos Aires Hallet, Julia Buenos Aires Methodist Episcopal Church according to the laws of this province DDL
42 2/55, 4/10 21/4/1852 Hill, Benjamin Henry Buenos Aires Maugham, Ellen Buenos Aires at their residence according to the laws of this province DDL
43 2/55, 4/10 18/5/1852 Schreiber, Frederick W. Buenos Aires Cook, Eliza Ann Buenos Aires the pastor's house according to the laws of this province DDL
44 2/55, 4/10 25/5/1852 Hollings, Henry L. Buenos Aires Roberts, Ann Buenos Aires the pastor's house according to the laws of this province DDL
45 2/55, 4/10 2/6/1852 Walker, John Buenos Aires Wilson, Jane Buenos Aires the pastor's house according to the laws of this province DDL
46 2/55, 4/10 21/7/1852 Moore, William Buenos Aires Drury, Sarah Buenos Aires at Mr Richard Moore's house according to the laws of this province DDL
47 2/55, 4/10 9/8/1852 McKiddie, Alexander Buenos Aires Ritchie, Agnes Buenos Aires at the bride's father's house according to the laws of this province DDL
48 2/55, 4/12 2/4/1853 Hill, John Buenos Aires Morris, Jane Buenos Aires Methodist Episcopal Church according to the laws of this province DDL
49 2/55, 4/12 29/4/1853 Smart, John Buenos Aires Sprott, Mary Buenos Aires at the pastor's house according to the laws of this province DDL
50 2/55, 4/12 26/7/1853 Ayliffe, Thomas Buenos Aires Ritchie, Ann H. Buenos Aires at the pastor's house according to the laws of this province DDL
51 2/56, 4/12 9/8/1853 Dickson, William Buenos Aires Gibson, Matilda Buenos Aires at Mr Gibson's house according to the laws, etc. DDL
52 2/56, 4/12 29/8/1853 Sterling, George Buenos Aires Moffat, Amelia Buenos Aires at the pastor's house according to the laws, etc. DDL
53 2/56, 4/12 16/9/1853 Marr, Alexander Buenos Aires Bell, Alison Buenos Aires at Mr Cleland's house according to the laws, etc. DDL
54 2/56, 4/12 3/10/1853 Langford, Charles Buenos Aires Smith, Barbara Buenos Aires at the pastor's house according to the laws, etc. DDL
55 2/56, 4/12 19/5/1854 Kitchen, William Buenos Aires Weston, Abigail Buenos Aires at the bride's house according to the laws, etc. DDL
56 2/56, 4/12 20/5/1854 Reeves, Edward W. Buenos Aires Farrington, Mary Jane Buenos Aires at their own house according to the laws, etc. DDL
57 2/56, 4/12 11/7/1854 Lemmon, David Buenos Aires Barton, Ellen [Alice] Buenos Aires at their house in the country according to the laws; the name of the bride is Alice, according to the testimony of Mr William Nowell(?) who knew her for 40 years, & of Henry Bentham DDL
58 2/56, 4/12 14/8/1854 Rennington, James Buenos Aires Abbott, Anna A. Buenos Aires at the bride's house according to the laws, etc. DDL
59 2/57, 4/12 31/10/1854 Anderson, James Buenos Aires Sanders, Catherine Buenos Aires at the pastor's house according to the laws, etc. GDC
60 2/57, 4/12 1/3/1855 Phillpots, William Henry Buenos Aires Pierce, Caroline Buenos Aires at the bride's house married by law on 7/9/1855 GDC
61 2/57, 4/12 6/3/1855 Elder, Henry Buenos Aires Rodriguez, Paula Buenos Aires at the house of the parties present:James Gibson and W. T. Livingston GDC
62 2/57, 4/12 27/3/1855 Gravel [Gravell], John Magdalena Hillyard, Ann Magdalena Magdalena Magdalena District near Buenos Aires GDC
63 2/57, 4/14 2/4/1855 Carruthers, John Buenos Aires Brown, Catherine Buenos Aires at the pastor's house according to the laws, etc. GDC
64 2/57, 4/12 1/4/1855 Kaufmann, [Hagbarth] Theodore J. Buenos Aires Warren, Martha Buenos Aires at the pastor's house according to the laws, etc. GDC
65 2/57, 4/14 11/9/1855 Martindale, John T. Buenos Aires Tink, Elizabeth Buenos Aires at the bride's house according to the laws, etc. GDC
66 2/57, 4/14 5/1/1856 Sanders, William Samuel Buenos Aires Gwynne, Mary Jane Buenos Aires at the pastor's house according to the laws, etc. GDC
67 2/57, 4/14 24/3/1856 Berrian, Stephen D. Buenos Aires Smith, Eliza Ann Buenos Aires at the bridegroom's house according to the laws, etc. GDC
68 2/57, 4/14 3/4/1856 Bolton, John Buenos Aires Kinesford, Elizabeth M. Buenos Aires at the pastor's house according to the laws, etc. GDC
69 2/58, 4/14 x/6/1856 Ruiz, Antonio Buenos Aires Rodriguez, Francisca Buenos Aires Methodist Episcopal Church according to law HRN
70 2/58, 4/14 24/6/1856 Van Domselaar, Bernardino Buenos Aires Mitchell, Elizabeth B. Buenos Aires at Mr Negrotto's house according to law HRN
71 2/58, 4/14 7/1/1857 Mitchell, John Harry San Vicente Scott, Maria Eliza Buenos Aires at the bride's mother's house according to law HRN
72 2/58, 4/14 21/8/1857 Stock, Conrad Banda Oriental Hokamayar, Maria Banda Oriental in Buenos Aires witnesses: Henry Timman, August Bunsen GDC
73 2/58, 4/14 28/8/1857 Barton, Alfred D. Buenos Aires Towers, Henrietta Buenos Aires at a friend's house according to law GDC
74 2/58, 4/14 13/10/1858 Martindale, William T. Buenos Aires Tink, Lucretia A. Buenos Aires at bride's father's, calle Defensa according to law WG
75 2/59, 4/14 14/3/1859 Brown, David Ensenada Reeves, Eliza Buenos Aires at bride's residence, c/ San Lorenzo 28 according to law WG
76 2/58, 4/14 5/5/1859 Dickson, William Buenos Aires Thompson, Martha Buenos Aires no. 6, calle Independencia according to law WG
77 2/59, 4/14 7/8/1859 Zambianchi, Callimaco Buenos Aires Hales, Isabella Judith Buenos Aires no. 345 calle Piedad according to law; witnesses: Antonio Poggo, Telemaco Batistini WG
78 2/59, 4/14 11/11/1859 Semple, James Buenos Aires Clark, Elizabeth Partido de Quilmes at the bride's residence according to law; witnesses: W. McKern, Francis Gebbie, D. Drysdale WG
79 2/58, 4/16 27/12/1859 Junor, William J. D. Buenos Aires Brill, Mary Ann Buenos Aires at the bride's residence according to law WG
80 2/59, 4/16 14/2/1860 Walter, W. U. C. Buenos Aires Grün, Wilhelmina Buenos Aires Methodist Episcopal Church according to law WG
81 2/59, 4/16 24/2/1860 Wheeler, Joseph W. Partido de Lobos Gilmore, Isabella Partido de Lobos calle Mayo 94, Buenos Aires according to law WG
82 2/59, 4/16 12/3/1860 Smart, Leighton Buenos Aires Clayton, Hannah Buenos Aires Methodist Episcopal Church according to law WG
83 2/59, 4/16 7/4/1860 Tucker, R. B. Buenos Aires White, Mary Ellen Buenos Aires Barracas according to law WG
84 2/59, 4/16 14/4/1860 Cowan, John Buenos Aires Noble, Ellenora Buenos Aires calle Defensa 480, Buenos Aires according to law; witnesses: William Arthinrage, Elizabeth Gray WG
85 2/59, 4/16 30/4/1860 Downie, John Partido Carmen de Areco Barton, Sarah Louisa Partido Carmen de Areco calle Moreno 191, Buenos Aires [in the parsonage] according to law; witnesses: Louis Booth, J. Stickney WG
86 2/59, 4/16 2/5/1860 Tink, Luke Partido de Magdalena Le Cloud, Mary Partido de Magdalena Buenos Aires according to law WG
87 2/59, 4/16 20/5/1860 Milne, William Partido de Lobos (born in Scotland) Gilmore, Mary Partido de Lobos (born in England) calle Garay 48 son of Mary McClymont and daughter of Malcolm Gilmore; witnesses David Noble, Mary Ann Livingston WG
88 2/59, 4/16 21/8/1860 Spring, Jacob E. Partido Carmen de Areco Duffy, Sarah Partido Carmen de Areco Partido de Giles according to law WG
89 2/59, 4/16 24/12/1860 Miller, Santiago Nelson Partido San Vicente Duey, Christiana Partido San Vicente at the parson's house according to law; witnesses: Alexander Fleming, John Folsom WG

Fuente: Archivo parroquial, Iglesia Episcopal Metodista de Buenos Aires
© La forma de presentación de estos datos se reserva al autor, Jeremy Howat, agosto 2010