Iglesia Evangélica Metodista Argentina

Baptisms in the Methodist Episcopal Church in Buenos Aires, 1901-1908

Introduction     Baptisms 1837-1852,   1853-1860,   1861-1870,   1871-1880,   1881-1890,   1891-1900,   1901-1908
Marriages 1843-1860,   1861-1870,   1871-1880,   1881-1892
Burials 1843-1860,    1861-1870,    1871-1880,    1881-1886    Members 1843-1860

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# Reg. y pág. Fecha baut. Fecha nac. Nombre de bautizado Nombre de padres Domicilio Ofic. Testigos, Notas, etcetera
# Vol.4 page Date of bapt. Date of birth Name of person baptised Name of parents Residence or Where born Off.
Witnesses, notes &c.
1582 256 4/2/1901 3/3/1900 Stangenburg, Liri Maria Cristina Elizabeth Axel Herman Stangenburg and Christina Johanson (Switzerland) Buenos Aires WPMcL Antonia P. de Lundberg, Federico W. Lundberg
1583 256 24/2/1901 16/5/1900 Kivicti, Sofie Sebastian Kivicti and Sofia Verschon Buenos Aires WPMcL F. Berning(?), A. Kryist
1584 256 31/3/1901 9/11/1900 Corbould, Mary Helen Frederick G. Corbould and Helen McGowan Buenos Aires WPMcL James McGowan
1585 256 15/4/1901 12/3/1900 Watson, Donald William Watson and Anne Clutterbuck (Argentine) Buenos Aires WPMcL Ernest Hjrand (Moreno 2438, BsAs)
1586 256 4/5/1901 12/9/1900 Hartridge, Ernest Mario Samuel Wadsworth Hartridge and Nancy Adrian Parker (Alemania) Buenos Aires WPMcL Juan W. Martinez (Vieytes 926, BsAs)
1587 256 14/5/1901 2/1/1897 Bohm, José Enrique Enrique Bohm and Verena Sanders (Alemania) Buenos Aires WPMcL José Schaefer, Bernard Tad?
1588 256 14/5/1901 23/2/1899 Bohm, German George Enrique Bohm and Verena Sanders (Alemania) Buenos Aires WPMcL Matilde Schuster
1589 256 5/6/1901 13/4/1901 MacLean, Daniel Murchison Mac Daniel and Margaret Youngson B. de MacLean Buenos Aires JFT Captain John Murchison, Rachel Murchison
1590 256 14/7/1901 16/10/1900 Briggs, Christina Ernest James G. Briggs and Julia G. Wilson Buenos Aires CJT Adelaide M. Tallon, Harry Mathews
1591 256 22/8/1901 9/3/1900 Hug, Ida Apolonia Emilia Teófilo Hug and Jenny Emilia Quiraud (France) Buenos Aires JR Enrique Hug, Apolonia Hug
1592 256 7/10/1901 25/7/1898 Triggs, Florencia Maria Diego Triggs (England) and Maria Graciana Grant de Triggs (Argentina) Muñiz y San Juan 732, Belgrano WFR Enrique D. Triggs, Lila Mabel Triggs, Sidney G. Triggs, Juan B. Pollestá
1593 256 21/12/1901 1/3/1901 Wallace, Mary Louisa Robert Wallace and Elizabeth Milton (England) Azara y Martín Garcia 319, Buenos Aires WPMcL Mary A. Wallace, E. U. Roberts
1594 256 21/12/1901 24/9/1901 Hopkins, Robert Frederic George Hunter and Matilda Blight Hopkins (England) Azara y Martín García 319, Buenos Aires WPMcL Evelyn E. Davenport
1595 256 22/12/1901 30/1/1899 Mailhé, Juliette Matilda Alfredo Mailhé and Georgina Yrigaray (France) Belgrano 336, Buenos Aires WPMcL Damon Baole, Carlota Elena Saunders
1596 256 30/12/1901 26/9/1901 Van Domselaar, Elsie Benson B. and May Kunn? Van Donselaar (Uruguayan) Buenos Aires WPMcL Gracie S. de Navarre
1597 256 19/1/1902 5/11/1901 Saunders, Harriet Mary William H. Saunders and ? Reynolds (Argentine) Buenos Aires WPMcL Gordon C. Saunders
1598 256 25/2/1902 20/12/1883 Stringer, Mary Elizabeth Henry King (England) and Sarah Stringer Buenos Aires WPMcL Thomas B. Holway, Victoria Celia Gallito
1599 256 9/4/1902   Austin, Guillermina Elina Franklin E. Austin and Wietze Teneich(?) Buenos Aires WPMcL Bernardo Issel
1600 256 12/4/1902 1/1/1902 Röhm, Bernard Henry Duncan Henry Röhm and Jane Sander (Germany) Vieytes 926, Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1601 256 17/4/1902 10/3/11897 Pradic, Robert Philippe Edouard Pradic and Bertha Ratinier (France) Buenos Aires WPMcL D. Rowe, P. Galabert, Mad. P. Ratinier pour Mm Helene Monod
1602 256 17/4/1902 20/6/1901 Pradic, Jane Blanche Edouard Pradic and Bertha Ratinier (France) Buenos Aires WPMcL Jeanne Pradis
1603 256 8/5/1902 29/5/1897 Muller, John John and Lena Muller (Switzerland) Buenos Aires WPMcL H. & V. Jordon
1604 256 14/6/1902 19/10/1900 Roscoe, Maud Mary Louise Robert Roscoe and Caroline Ellen Shilton (Argentine) General Hornos 1554, Buenos Aires WPMcL Mary Louisa Shilton, Edward Shilton
1605 256 14/6/1902 30/3/1902 Roscoe, Robert Edward Shilton Robert Roscoe and Caroline Ellen Shilton (Argentine) General Hornos 1554, Buenos Aires WPMcL William Shilton, Eleanor Sibbald
1606 256 14/6/1902 18/2/1884 Shilton, John Franklin Edward and Ellen Jane Carey Shilton (England) General Hornos 1554, Buenos Aires WPMcL William Shilton, Helen Jane Shilton
1607 258 26/6/1902 27/6/1874 Wehrli, Carlos Ferdinand Julio Wehrli and Luisa Elisa Hug   WPMcL  
1608 258 26/6/1902 12/7/1892 Wehrli, Gustavo Adolfo Luis and Olimpia Wehli   WPMcL  
1609 258 26/6/1902 13/6/1896 Wehrli, Felix Francisco Fernando and Elena Wehli   WPMcL  
1610 258 9/7/1902 17/8/1901 Franklin, Ivy Dorothy Emma William Edward Franklin (England) and ? Camp Westacott   WPMcL Juan José Henna, Martha Franklin
1611 258 6/7/1902 9/10/1890 Gagneben, David Robert Gagneben (Uruguay) and Alsina? Fuentes (Argentine)   WPMcL Juan Delmon, Lola Fuentes
1612 258 6/7/1902 16/11/1896 Gagneben, Marcos Alberto Robert Gagneben (Uruguay) and Alsina? Fuentes (Argentine)   WPMcL Benito Agnese, Lola Fuentes
1613 258 17/8/1902 30/6/1901 Krieger, Carl Frederico Augusto William Krieger (Germany) and Angela? Nissel (Argentine)   WPMcL Carlos Krüger, Virginia Ratti (Carmen de Areco)
1614 258 19/9/1902 23/12/1901 Buford, Emily Beatrice Frederick William Buford and G. Beckingham (England)   WPMcL H. G. Sutton (Alvarado 1459, Barracas), Phoebe Richards (Campana)
1615 258 12/10/1902 22/6/1902 Clutterbuck, Minnie Norman Holme Clutterbuck (England) and Emma Martindale (Argentine)   WPMcL W. G. and Sarah J. Martindale
1616 258 29/10/1902 19/5/1902 Love, Agnes Brunton Charlie Love (England) and Jane? J. Brunton (Scotland)   WPMcL  
1617 258 12/11/1902 10/2/1886 Widmann, Francisca Samuel Widmann (Switzerland) and Sophia Ensinck (Holland) Cavia 243, Palermo WPMcL  
1618 258 2/11/1902 31/8/1902 Ainscough, Ivy Alice Thomas R. Ainscough (England) and Edith May Groves (Argentine)   WPMcL Alwillerton Brown, Beatrice Groves
1619 258 19/12/1902 4/9/1902 Wilson, Eileen Isabel L. R. Wilson (England) and Ellen? Watson (Argentina)   WPMcL James Dodds Watson, Mrs Elena Dodds Watson
1620 258 4/4/1903 7/1/1897 Müller, Ana Federico Müller (Switzerland) and Lola Schnyder (Uruguay)   WPMcL José Vidal Maria Miqu?
1621 258 4/4/1903 30/7/1899 Müller, Marta Federico Müller (Switzerland) and Lola Schnyder (Uruguay)   WPMcL José Vidal Maria Miqu?
1622 258 4/4/1903 14/7/1902 Müller, Catalina Federico Müller (Switzerland) and Lola Schnyder (Uruguay)   WPMcL José Gonzales Miquela Bankster?
1623 258 29/4/1903 7/2/1903 Mackintosh, Mysie Robert and Mary Mackintosh (Scotland)   WPMcL  
1624 258 8/11/1903 9/10/1903 Blythman, John Howard John J. Blythman and Caroline Matthews (Argentine)   WPMcL  
1625 258 8/11/1903 9/4/1903 Mathews, Charlotte Alice Caroline Fred. H. Mathews and ? Blanch (Argentine)   WPMcL father and mother
1626 258 20/9/1903 16/1/1901 Laghi, Yole Gino Julio and Julia? Justa Laghi (Argentine) Moreno 1634 WPMcL Rafael Laghi (Italy), Emilia Viarani (Italy)
1627 258 4/11/1903 16/4/1902 Kelley, Henry William Otto Harry Kelley (Canada) and ?ry Ellen Eaton (Argentine)   WPMcL W. H. O. Viluwers?, R. Murchison
1628 258 12/8/1903 25/7/1903 Friedricke, Edna Enid Alexander William Friedricke and ? Gabriel Sheppard Martin Garcia 551, WPMcL  
1629 258 14/2/1904 27/1/1899 Eten, Dorotea Roberto Eten (Switzerland) and Dorotea? Steidinger (Germany) Cochabamba 3029, WPMcL Berta de Dürry, Juan Schopfer?
1630 258 6/2/1904 29/9/1903 Del Bueno, Maria Elisa Enrique Del Bueno (Italy) and ? Graspi (Italy)   WPMcL Francisco Ca? Galvez, Julia Olivari
1631 258 6/2/1904 3/10/1901 Olivari, Gaetano Gaetano and Julia Del Bueno Olivari (Italy)   WPMcL Matilde Del Bueno, Gustavo ?
1632 260 20/2/1904 16/11/1902 Kent, Olga Francisca Walter Kent (Trieste) and Matilde Codebó Buenos Aires CJT Luisa Codebó, Francisco Elia
1633 260 19/3/1904 20/10/1903 Clerc, José Antonio Santos Louis August Clerc (Switzerland) and Augustina Pavetto (France) Aviles 670, Belgrano, Buenos Aires WPMcL Clerici Santos, Victorina Pavetto
1634 260 5/6/1904 25/11/1903 Van Domselaar, Carrie B. B. Van Domselaar and Mary Keenan Buenos Aires WPMcL Teodoro P. Van Domselaar, P. M. Richard
1635 260 20/6/1904 11/2/1903 Wellby, Marjorie Henry G. Wellby (England) and Jannet? Watson Buenos Aires WPMcL Bede Mitchell
1636 260 10/7/1904 20/4/1904 Hallitt, George William Frank B. Hallitt (USA) and R. Cormelins Buenos Aires WPMcL Maude E. Gibson, Mary R. McLaughlin
1637 260 23/7/1904 29/5/1899 Colmegna, Elena Antonio Colmegna (Italy) and Carolina? Wallace (Argentine) Buenos Aires WPMcL Santiago Ovington, Angela V. Sibellino
1638 260 13/8/1904 16/5/1900 Vives, Nestor Enrique Argimero Vives (Spain) and Julia? Rimini Buen Orden 270, Buenos Aires WPMcL Ida E. Gath, Enrique Gath
1639 260 13/8/1904 22/11/1897 Vives, Ofelia Lydia Argimero Vives (Spain) and Julia? Rimini Santa Fe WPMcL Charlie? A. Gath, Enrique Gath
1640 260 23/10/1904 4/9/1899 Neuhaus, Esther Christian F. Neuhaus (Denmark) and Matilde Voelklein (Argentine) Quilmes WPMcL José G. Dowbley, Federico A. Neuhaus, Justa M. de Dowbley
1641 260 23/10/1904 10/7/1901 Neuhaus, Edward George Christian F. Neuhaus (Denmark) and Matilde Voelklein (Argentine) Quilmes WPMcL Emilie A. Neuhaus
1642 260 4/11/1904 30/5/1904 Parker, Oswald Robert (father and mother unknown) Moreno 2438, Buenos Aires WPMcL Samuel W. Hartridge, Lucy P. Hartridge, J. R. Oliver
1643 260 4/11/1904 29/10/1902 Brown, Arthur Reginald Arthur M. Brown and Adelaide M. Tallon   WPMcL  
1644 260 6/12/1904 22/10/1903 Smith, Bridget Alice Thomas Joseph Smith and ? Venturina (Argentine)   WPMcL  
1645 260 30/12/1904 30/1/1901 Barilari, Clara Guillermina Mariano S. Barilari and ? Wilkinson (Argentine) Pueyrredon 1713, Buenos Aires WPMcL Palmira Barilari de Massini, William Wilkinson
1646 260 2/1/1905 20/10/1904 Kruse, John Julius William John Caspar Kruse (USA) and Ellen Oehm (Germany)   WPMcL Adolph Schultze (Berlin), Helen St Clair Munro Campbell
1647 260 12/9/1904 24/10/1903 Franklin, William Edward William Edward Franklin and ? Camp Westacott   WPMcL Ricardo C. Aldao
1648 260 13/1/1905 12/9/1904 Wilson, Helen Elizabeth Barr John D. K. Wilson and Helen C. Barr   WPMcL  
1649 260 18/2/1905 8/1/1902 Nicholson, William Andrew Hugh A. Nicholson and Florence Middleton (England)   WPMcL William G. Currie (Estación Alberdi, F.C. Pacífico
1650 260 1/4/1905   Woodwell, Mabel     WPMcL  
1651 260 6/4/1905 23/8/1890 Rothschild, Dora Agnes (in USA) Albert Rothschild (USA) and Caise? Moulic (Buenos Aires) San Martín 40, Buenos Aires WPMcL Aggie Scroggie, C. G. S. Scroggie
1652 260 6/4/1905 29/7/1897 Rothschild, Frank Albert Albert Rothschild (USA) and Caise? Moulic (Buenos Aires) San Martín 40, Buenos Aires WPMcL Frank Rothschild, C. G. S. Scroggie
1653 260 22/4/1905 22/2/1894 Tadain, Mauricio Jean and Sabrina? Tadain (France)   WPMcL Dora Gothold, Julieta de Herrari, Basilio Talkerts
1654 260 6/5/1905   Otero, Elvira Juan Ramón Otero and Elvira Lista   CWD José Lamota, Juan Guls
1655 260 6/5/1905   Otero, Selia Juan Ramón Otero and Elvira Lista   CWD José Lamota, Juan Guls
1656 260 6/5/1905   Otero, Teresa Juan Ramón Otero and Elvira Lista   CWD José Lamota, Juan Guls
1657 260 30/4/1905 1/11/1904 Jordan, Herbert Herbert Harold and Elsie Helen Morton Milne Jordan   CWD Andrew M. Milne John Milne, Agnes Milne
1658 262 5/6/1905 21/6/1900 Keen, Stewart Thornton Triay George Keen and Sarah Stewart Darregueyra 2940, (Morón), Pcia. Bs.As. CWD Jeroge Keen (jnr), Harry H. Gomm
1659 262 22/6/1905 2/8/1904 Kent, Dominga Regina Gualterio Kent and Matilde Codebó Bustamante 685, Buenos Aires CWD Norris? ?? Greenway?, Luisa Codebó
1660 262 12/8/1905 4/4/1905 Grimson, Isabel Mary Samuel Grimson and Lillie Blackwell Zárate, BsAs Province CWD Edith Alice Yowe, Julio Loecht
1661 262 5/11/1905 22/4/1905 Perkin, Albert Edward Albert Perkin and Mary Ellen Wheeler Caseros 485, Buenos Aires WPMcL Diego W. McKinlay, Lucie McKinlay
1662 262 9/11/1905 20/12/1901 Herrera, Violet Manuela Juan José Herrera and Violet ? (London, England) Merlo WPMcL Thomas W. Lamont, A. T. Bowen, Abelina, Carol Grainger
1663 262 7/1/1906 19/9/1904 Massey, Lily Gertrude Charles J. Massey and Flora Hester (England) Buenos Aires WPMcL Irma Ericsson de Goegen
1664 262 1/3/1906 25/9/1905 Muller, Carlos Frederic Muller and Adela Schuyder San Vicente, Buenos Aires WPMcL Federico Müller
1665 262 1/3/1906 12/2/1905 Ramirez, Remigio Remigio Ramirez and Ana Schuyder General Alvear, Buenos Aires WPMcL Ana Ramires
1666 262 16/3/1906 6/7/1905 Kuger, Augusto German Gualterio Kuger and Adela Nisen de Kup? Carmen de Areco, BsAs WPMcL Carolina Krause (Arrecifes)
1667 262 29/5/1906 7/4/1905 Grier, Jessie Lyndon John Grier and Jessie Douthat Necochea, Buenos Aires WPMcL Guillermo Grier, Lyndon J. Grier
1668 262 27/11/1905 20/5/1905 Brown, Doris Helen Valentine Abner Brown (Aldershot, England) and Lucretia Alice Tink (Buenos Aires) Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1669 262 10/6/1906 12/10/1903 Dawson, Edith Mary Philip James Dawson (England) and Ellen Tucker (North American) Chivilcoy, Pcia. Bs.As. WPMcL  
1670 262 10/6/1906 25/2/1906 Dawson, Margaret Louise Philip James Dawson (England) Chivilcoy, Pcia. Bs.As. WPMcL  
1671 262 13/7/1906 2/3/1906 McIntosh, Malcolm Robert and Frances Marne Mackintosh? de McIntosh Quinto Bachracco, Quilmes, Pcia. Bs.As. WPMcL  
1672 262 14/7/1906 15/7/1906 Kruse, Richard George John William Kruse (American) and Ellen Oehm (Germany) Avenida de Mayo 748, Buenos Aires WPMcL Wilhelmina Hildebrandt (Berlin), Annia R. Winslow
1673 262 12/8/1906 13/7/1906 Banwell, Donald Stephen Ernest S. Banwell and Lottie West (England) Buenos Aires WPMcL Alice A. Hutchinson, Mary R. Munroe
1674 262 8/9/1906 27/10/1905 Purfield, Herbert Henry Henry and Adelaide Robinson Purfield (England) Los Talleres, Banfield CWD William Cork, Chattel Cork
1675 262 17/9/1906 11/10/1905 Parri, Clelia Luisa Antonio Parri (Italy) and Catlina Colmegna (Buenos Aires) Balcarce 458, Lanús, Pcia. Bs.As. WPMcL Alberto Ovington, Elisa Colmegna
1676 262 9/10/1906 9/1/1906 Zschetzschingck, Hilda Else Arturo Zschetzschingck (Germany) and Jessie Tarling James (England) General Paz 2326, Buenos Aires WPMcL Lily Luisa White, Alex White
1677 262 8/12/1906 10/8/1905 Schaefer, Anna Gustav Schaefer (London, England) and Ruth Powell (Buenos Aires) General Alvear, FCS, Buenos Aires, WPMcL Joseph Schaefer, Adela Schaefer
1678 262 8/12/1906 8/4/1906 Schaefer, Gustave Joseph Joseph Schaefer (London, England) and Adela Röhm (Buenos Aires) Buenos Aires WPMcL Gustav Schaefer, Ruth Schaefer
1679 262 24/12/1906 8/11/1906 Chaillon, Lucien Marcel Georges Chaillon and Georgina Badie (France) Bolívar 446, Buenos Aires WPMcL E. Teller, A. Chailhud?
1680 262 24/12/1906 26/6/1904 Chaillon, René Henri Georges Chaillon and Georgina Badie (France) Bolívar 446, Buenos Aires WPMcL Marie Badie, Teller
1681 262 24/12/1906 6/2/1898 Chaillon, Jeanne Angèle Georges Chaillon and Georgina Badie (France) Bolívar 446, Buenos Aires WPMcL J. B. Chaillon
1682 264 31/12/1906 7/11/1892 Boggio, Adelina Anastacia Antonio and Juana Bissacca de Boggio   SWS ??, T. Boggio (hijo)
1683 264 31/12/1906 10/3/1894 Boggio, Corinto Victor Antonio and Juana Bissacca de Boggio   SWS ??, T. Boggio (hijo)
1684 264 31/12/1906 21/4/1897 Boggio, Valentin Leonardo Antonio and Juana Bissacca de Boggio   SWS ??, T. Boggio (hijo)
1685 264 20/1/1907 29/5/1906 Perkins, Edith May Albert Perkins   WPMcL M. J. McKinlay, S. Wheeler, J. R. McKinlay
1686 264 5/3/1907 29/11/1906 White, Eleanor Elsa Edwin W. White (London) and Mabel Hora (Montevideo) Buenos Aires WPMcL Mary E. H. Denholm, Laura H. Mackintosh, J. I. Sladen
1687 264 31/3/1907 4/11/1906 Stour, Mary Clarice Henry R. Stour and Mary K. McLaughlin (American) Buenos Aires WPMcL B. A. Shuman, Grace Fields, W. Fields,
1688 264 31/3/1907 6/1/1907 Watson, Elena Charles C. Watson and Emily Risden Buenos Aires WPMcL Randolph Harrison
1689 264 19/5/1907 22/11/1906 Judson, Sheldon Claude Frederick E. Judson and Louisa S. Carpenter Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1690 264 26/5/1907 2/10/1906 Mailhé, Alfredo Alfredo Mailhé and Georgina Yrigaray (France) Victoria 430, Buenos Aires WPMcL Camilo Farducco, Obdulio F. de Trantino
1691 264 2/6/1907 5/5/1907 Smythe, Madeline Mary Albert Egerton Smythe (25, Uruguay) and Mabel Helena Richards (England) Buenos Aires WPMcL Mary Richards, Charles E. Smythe
1692 264 20/7/1907 5/1/1907 Seiler, Magdalena Maria Eustagnio Seiler (20), and Rosa Widmer de Seiler (21) (uruguayos) Partido de Olavarria CWD padrinos: Juan Widmer, Fani Schaffner; testigos: Samuel W. Siberti, Federico Mertens
1693 264 8/7/1907 5/12/1904 Brown, Ernest Joseph Arthur M. Brown and Adelaide M. Tallon Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1694 264 30/7/1907 6/12/1906 Aven?, Guillermo Aven?, Santiago Roberto and Elizabeth Drain Avellaneda CWD Benjamin Lee, Maria Moretti
1695 264 31/7/1907 16/11/1906 Kent, Guillerma Walter Kent (comerciante) and Matilde Codebó de Kent Barracas al Sud CWD Rosa Codebó, C. W. Drees, Francisco Barabino
1696 264 25/9/1907 25/9/1905 Wharton, Lionel Ernest Ernest E. Wharton and Christine Marnic (England) Melián 1815, Belgrano WPMcL Elena Kennard Davis, W. E. Nanking?
1697 264 28/9/1907 2/9/1906 Douthat, Alfred Archibald Francisco and Lily Douthat Guanaco SWS E. C. Franklin, Carmen V. de Douthat
1698 264 28/10/1907 1/6/1907 Davis, Ephraim James Joseph Ehpraim Davis (England) and Josefina Maruer (Buenos Aires) Ituzaingó FCO, Buenos Aires   Esperanza Vidaceres, J. A. Cheef, Adelina Limoz ("La Cabaña", Ituzaingó)
1699 264 29/11/1907 6/10/1907 Olditch, George James Frederich W. Olditch and Ethel May Maclean Buenos Aires WPMcL James Maclean, Maud Maclean
1700 264 27/12/1907 28/10/1907 Cork, Reginald John William Henry Cork and Charlotte S. Robinson (England) Morón, Buenos Aires WPMcL Lucy Fleming, C. Osborne
1701 264 30/12/1907 29/10/1907 Lepine, Charlotte Lucy Smith Ferguson Mitchell Lepine (USA) and Katharine Lucy Green (England) Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1702 265 17/4/1903 1/11/1896 Wright, Sydney John and Annie Wright Chile 769, Buenos Aires George P. Howard record not entered in this register at the time
1703 265 17/4/1903 25/9/1898 Wright, Edith Constance John and Annie Wright Chile 769, Buenos Aires George P. Howard record not entered in this register at the time
1704 265 17/4/1903 15/7/1902 Wright, Arthur John and Annie Wright Chile 769, Buenos Aires George P. Howard record not entered in this register at the time
1705 266 2/12/1907 2/12/1905 Stefler, Adolfo Augusto Augusto Adolfo Stefler Buenos Aires CWD Juan and Anna O. de Piehl (Lavalle 2322, Buenos Aires)
1706 266 18/2/1908 30/1/1908 King, Martha Amelia William Armour King San Martín CWD John Taylor Cowie, Emilia Wilkes de Forelius
1707 266 11/4/1908 17/11/1907 Wharton, Zillah May Ernest E. Wharton and Christina Morris (England) Belgrano WPMcL N. R. Ridley, May M. Ridley, Helen M. Whitaker
1708 266 28/5/1908 23/12/1907 Blythman, Dora John Joseph Blythman and Caroline Mathews Buenos Aires WPMcL Frank Howard Mathews, Anna Woodhouse Mathews
1709 266 10/6/1908 27/9/1905 Gentil, Estela Hermann Gentil (Switzerland) and Martha Alfonsina Bondi (Paris, France) Villa Klein, Villa Ballester WPMcL Catherine Estelle Gentil, Pierre Nicklas (Switzerland), Marta Alfonsina Boc de Gentil
1710 266 28/5/1908 14/11/1907 Perkins, Lucy Green Albert and May Wheeler Perkins Buenos Aires WPMcL Jane W. McKinlay, Lucy McKinlay
1711 266 27/9/1908 19/4/1908 Bridge, Eric Berry Thomas and Constance Winifred Br?? Bridge Coghlan, Buenos Aires WPMcL Sidney Orell Bridge, Maude Bridge
1712 266 15/8/1908 28/4/1904 Graham, Ruth Ellen John Adams Graham and Ruth Sutton (Buenos Aires) San Fernando, Buenos Aires WPMcL W. G. Lovett, Eleodora G. de Grennon
1713 266 22/11/1908 26/10/1908 McPhidron, Catharine Mary Alexander Aitken McPhidron and Sara Jane Higgins (New Zealand) Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1714 266 31/12/1908 26/10/1908 Zschetzschingck, Otto Alberto Otto and Jessie M. Tarling de Zschetzschingck Buenos Aires WPMcL Juan M. and Terese N. de Iribarren
1715 266 1/9/1908 5/4/1904 Turner, Ernest Victor Robert Turner and Mary Ellen Smith Buenos Aires WPMcL Robert and Mabel Turner
1716 266 1/9/1908 2/9/1906 Turner, Albert Alexander Robert Turner and Mary Ellen Smith Buenos Aires WPMcL William and Bridget Smith

Fuente: Archivo parroquial, Iglesia Episcopal Metodista de Buenos Aires
© La forma de presentación de estos datos se reserva al autor, Jeremy Howat, Marzo 2013