Iglesia Evangélica Metodista Argentina

Baptisms in the Methodist Episcopal Church in Buenos Aires, 1891-1900

Introduction     Baptisms 1837-1852,   1853-1860,   1861-1870,   1871-1880,   1881-1890,   1891-1900,   1901-1908
Marriages 1843-1860,   1861-1870,   1871-1880,   1881-1892
Burials 1843-1860,    1861-1870,    1871-1880,    1881-1886    Members 1843-1860

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# Reg. y pág. Fecha baut. Fecha nac. Nombre de bautizado Nombre de padres Domicilio Ofic. Testigos, Notas, etcetera
# Vol.4 page Date of bapt. Date of birth Name of person baptised Name of parents Residence or Where born Off.
Witnesses, notes &c.
1394 240 31/1/1891 19/1/1891 Allen, James Edward William and Matilda de Allen Buenos Aires THS Mr and Mrs G. Chandler
1395 240 26/2/1891 22/10/1890 Pollitt, Ada William and Maria Ana de Pollitt Buenos Aires THS A. J. Streeter, Ana de Streeter
1396 240 7/3/1891 6/7/1890 Manson, Laura Elena Henry A. and Carolina Elena de Manson Olivos THS Enrique Sturiza, Malvina Reilly
1397 240 12/3/1891 30/5/1864 Sternlicht, Rodolfo Phillip and Teresa S. de Sternlicht Buenos Aires THS Adolfo Lutz, William C. Morris
1398 240 13/3/1891 25/1/1891 Drysdale, Reginald Keith Joseph N. and Agnes Douglas de Drysdale Buenos Aires THS Andrew and Jemima de Gibson
1399 240 15/3/1891 3/1/1891 Syvret, Stanley de Beaudenis Albert de B. and Amy Louisa de Syvret Buenos Aires THS Walter Fleury, L. F. Stockton
1400 240 20/3/1891 14/6/1890 Boye, Ole Langfelt Basilio Olaf and Ana Emilia de Boye Buenos Aires THS Ulrick Greiner, Victoria de Bedogni
1401 240 20/31891 12/3/1891 Gibson, Colin Melrose John and Mary Alice de Gibson Buenos Aires THS child dying
1402 240 28/3/1891 29/3/1890 Skotte, Elena Bernardina Federico C. and Claudina C. de Skotte Buenos Aires THS Conrado D. Torres, Ana M. de Serbet
1403 240 4/4/1891 1/11/1890 Olivari, William Gaitano and Gaudetta de Olivari Buenos Aires THS William Delbano, Clara J. Armstrong
1404 240 5/4/1891 18/3/1891 Taylor, Harrold Melville John W. and Edith M. A. B. de Taylor Buenos Aires THS Mabel Bagley, Phillip Hammond, A. O'D. Taylor jnr.
1405 240 19/7/1891 25/4/1891 Hedger, Elbert Herbert Herbert and Adelaide R. de Hedger Buenos Aires C. W. Drees William and Emily Robinson
1406 240 19/7/1891 2/5/1891 Cork, Emily Elizabeth William and Charlotte R. de Cork Buenos Aires C. W. Drees William and Emily Robinson
1407 240 25/8/1891 4/6/1891 Brayshaw, Elizabeth James and Elizabeth D. de Brayshaw Buenos Aires C. W. Drees George H. and Anna Clark
1408 240 25/11/1891 23/2/1890 Rückauf, Delia Martha Mauricio and Catalina W. de Rückauf Buenos Aires C. W. Drees F. J. W. Hughes, F. R. de Hughes
1409 240 25/11/1891 27/6/1891 Hughes, Francisca Catalina Frederick J. W. and Francisca R. de Hughes Buenos Aires C. W. Drees Mauricio Rückauf, Catalina W. de Rückauf
1410 242 30/11/1891 27/4/1891 Grinner, Delfina Leonie Emilio and Maria L. P. de Grinner Buenos Aires C. W. Drees Leonardo Grinner, Delfina Plantade
1411 242 30/11/1891 8/3/1840 Bowers, Charles Stowe John Inge and Elizabeth Morse de Bowers Boston, USA C. W. Drees [an] invalid
1412 242 25/12/1891 x/10.1890 McMillan, John Howard John and Luisa de McMillan Buenos Aires George P. B. Howard  
1413 242 3/1/1892 9/4/1891 Bradford, Mabel Harriet John and Ellen W. de Bradford Buenos Aires C. W. Drees James Bradford
1414 242 12/2/1892 22/10/1891 Gibson, Edward Dalzell James and Elizabeth B. de Gibson Buenos Aires THS  
1415 242 10/3/1892 12/2/1892 Adams, Silvia Eli and Silvia de Adams Buenos Aires THS Mrs McDonaugh, Mrs J. W. Kennedy
1416 242 4/4/1892 30/8/1889 Douthat, Edward William Alfred and Euphemia de Douthat Partido 25 de Mayo THS Mrs F. C. Douthat
1417 242 24/4/1892 15/9/1891 Smith, Elizabeth Mary Goldsworthy William H. and Lydia Mary Goldsworth de Smith Buenos Aires THS Mrs Milne, Mrs Stockton
The above record ends with pastorate of Rev. T. H. Stockton deceased and contains entry of all data left by him. Later records will be found in Church Record of the First Methodist Episcopal Church marked 1892-1894. (Tomo extraviado-volume lost: editor).
The record dating from 1895 begins again in the book owing to the fact that its wider pages are found to be better adapted to the entry of necessary data. W. P. McLaughlin, Pastor
1418 242 7/3/1895 13/12/1894 Drysdale, Donald Roy Joseph N. and Jane Gibson de Drysdale Buenos Aires WPMcL Joseph D. Gibson, Helen A. Drysdale
1419 242 24/3/1895 8/6/1894 Deterling, Bertha Augusta Dorothea William Deterling and Augusta Koehm Buenos Aires WPMcL Entre Rios and Patagonia
1420 242 30/3/1895 19/7/1886 Eaton, Henry William Augustus and Emma Merrew Ellen de Eaton Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1421 242 31/3/1895 8/3/1895 Frank, Enriqueta Maria Juan Emilio Frank and Juana Maria Foerster Buenos Aires    
1422 242 21/4/1895 13/8/1893 Taylor, John Scatt John William and Edith Maria Amelia Bagley de Taylor Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1423 242 21/4/1895 17/5/1893 Crawford, Cyril Hamilton Henry Newbald and Margaret? Ethel Bagley de Crawford Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1424 242 21/4/1895 19/8/1894 Crawford, Leslie Frank Henry Newbald and Margaret? Ethel Bagley de Crawford Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1425 242 21/4/1895 3/11/1894 Clark, Richard Ernest Edward Clark and Pamela? Tabane Quilmes WPMcL Juan Tabane, Elizabeth Shaw
1426 242 21/4/1895 16/1/1891 Hora, Henry Ernest Melville Hora and Mary Egan Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1427 242 24/4/1895 1/1/1895 Wallace, Robert Joseph Campbell Robert Wallace and Elizabeth Milton Buenos Aires WPMcL José Hagater, Maria A. Wallace
1428 242 13/7/1895 11/11/1894 Proud, Dorothy Millicent Harold Proud and Catherine Simpson Rosario WPMcL Charles Simpson, Mary Murray
1429 244 23/7/1895 12/3/1880 Hora, Mary Ellen Melville Hora (North America) and Mary Egan (England) Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1430 244 23/7/1895 11/5/1882 Hora, Mabel Annie Melville Hora (North America) and Mary Egan (England) Montevideo WPMcL  
1431 244 23/7/1895 5/11/1884 Hora, Lily Edith Melville Hora (North America) and Mary Egan (England) Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1432 244 23/7/1895 4/1/1887 Hora, Francis Melville Melville Hora (North America) and Mary Egan (England) Montevideo WPMcL  
1433 244 23/7/1895 23/61889 Hora, Charles Alexander Melville Hora (North America) and Mary Egan (England) Montevideo WPMcL  
1434 244 7/8/1895 18/4/1895 Macco, Adolfo Gustavo Carlos Oscar Macco and Sebastiana Lastra Buenos Aires WPMcL c/Artes 776
1435 244 15/8/1895 4/4/1895 Waskow, Otto Carlos Waskow (German) and Francisca Esterez (French) Buenos Aires WPMcL c/Suipacha 966
1436 244 25/8/1895 23/5/1895 Watson, William George William Watson (Scotland) and Annie Clutterbuck (England) Lomas de Zamora WPMcL  
1437 244 3/9/1895 21/10/1894 Woodward, Alfred Frank Arthur John Woodward and ?lati Berry, 24 Prov. Santa Fe, El Trebol (FCCA) WPMcL Samuel W. Hartridge, Emma Parkes Cadelago
1438 244 6/10/1895 15/5/18990 Pihet, Louis Isidore Auguste Pihet and Clementina Culat Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1439 244 6/10/1895 17/7/1892 Pihet, Marie Auguste Pihet and Clementina Culat Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1440 244 6/10/1895 21/9/1894 Pihet, Martha Auguste Pihet and Clementina Culat Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1441 244 18/10/1895 18/10/1895 Schilling, Hermann Paul William Schilling and ?? Gerzincki Buenos Aires WPMcL Herman Mauerberger, Katarina Klein
1442 244 20/10/1895 10/7/1895 Saunders, Dorothy Agnes Jordan C. Saunders (Argentina) and Margaret Turnbull (Scotland) Prov. Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1443 244 20/10/1895 6/4/1894 Froelich, Juanita Henrietta John Froelich (Austria) and Adela Gachter (Germany) c/Universidad 661, Rosario WPMcL Henry Röhm, Johanna Röhm
1444 244 14/12/1895 21/12/1894 Hagen, Wilhelmina Maria William Hagen and Maria Macco Colonia Bremen, Prov. Santa Fe WPMcL Oscar Macco, Sebastiana Macco, Emma Wiehl
1445 244 14/12/1895 21/12/1895 Hagen, Emma Anna William Hagen and Maria Macco Colonia Bremen, Prov. Santa Fe WPMcL Oscar Macco, Sebastiana Macco, Emma Wiehl
1446 244 15/12/1895 30/12/1894 Briggs, Helen Mary Ernest John Briggs (England) and Mary Caroline W. Wilson (Uruguay) Buenos Aires WPMcL ?? Mortimer?, G. Wilson
1447 244 24/12/1895 7/2/1895 Röhm, Sophia Jane Henry Rühm and Jane Sanders Buenos Aires WPMcL Gustav Schaefer, Joseph Schaefer
1448 244 13/1/1896 7/2/1895 Arnold, Edith Blanche Jennie Frederic C. and Margarita Eusebia Arnold Rosario WPMcL Philip Wirth, Edith Amelia Wirth
1449 244 28/1/1896 8/6/1895 Ovington, Elvira Louisa George Ovington (North America) and Jane Wallace (Argentina) c/No.4, Belgrano, Buenos Aires WPMcL Roberto S. Ovington, Jane Ovington
1450 244 15/3/1896 5/1/1896 Clutterbuck, Ethel Holmes Norman H. Clutterbuck and Emma Martindale Buenos Aires WPMcL G. J. Martindale, H. E. Clutterbuck
1451 244 18/3/1896 1/12/1895 Nuhans?, Elsa Antonina Christian Fauls Nuhans? (Denmark) and Matilda Voelklein (Argentina) Bernal, Buenos Aires WPMcL Antonina B. de Cobas, Juan F. Cobas
1452 244 18/3/1896 4/7/1890 Hanley, Lizzy William Charles Hanley and Frances Charlotte Matthews La Colina, Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1453 244 18/3/1896 6/5/1892 Hanley, William William Charles Hanley and Frances Charlotte Matthews La Colina, Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1454 246 19/3/1896 1/11/1893 Burrell, Milwyn   Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1455 246 19/3/1896 20/2/1896 Burrell, Charles Cardigan   Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1456 246 29/3/1896 23/11/1895 Ward, Charles Russell George James Ward and Bertha Bougher Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1457 246 4/4/1896 23/11/1895 Triggs, Sidney William Grant Nancollar Diego Triggs and Mary Grace Grant (Argentina) Buenos Aires WPMcL George Nancollar, William Grant, Bessie Nancollar
1458 246 26/4/1896 26/6/1895 Gagnebim?, Dolores Paulina Roberto Gagnebim? (Uruguay) and ?sina Fuente Gagnebim? (Buenos Aires) c/Chili 672, Buenos Aires WPMcL D. Soulier, Maria C. de Soulier
1459 246 26/4/1896 7/6/1893 Gagnebim, Aurelia Rouerina Roberto Gagnebim? (Uruguay) and ?sina Fuente Gagnebim? (Buenos Aires) c/Chili 672, Buenos Aires WPMcL Tetane Mile, Rosa S. de Beroni
1460 246 26/4/1896 13/2/1892 Gagnebim, Marcelina Ema Roberto Gagnebim? (Uruguay) and ?sina Fuente Gagnebim? (Buenos Aires) c/Chili 672, Buenos Aires WPMcL A. Leygat, Eugénie Leygat
1461 246 3/5/1896 6/3/1896 Saunders, William James William Henry Saunders (Buenos Aires) and Elizabeth Alice Reynolds (Buenos Aires) Buenos Aires WPMcL W. J. Reynolds, Mary G. Reynolds
1462 246 31/5/1896 29/1/1888 Mauersberger, Arthur Hermann Mauersberger (Germany) and Eufrasia Brizuela (Buenos Aires) c/Ministro Inglés 1669, Palermo, Buenos Aires WPMcL Carlos Zeschki, William Schilling
1463 246 31/5/1896 26/10/1894 Mauersberger, Maria Louisa Hermann Mauersberger (Germany) and Eufrasia Brizuela (Buenos Aires) c/Ministro Inglés 1669, Palermo, Buenos Aires WPMcL Carlos Zeschki, William Schilling
1464 246 4/6/1896 21/9/1894 Bennett, Edwin William George William Boone Bennett (England) and Emma Priscilla Sage (England) Buenos Aires WPMcL James Warskitt, Priscilla Fanny Warskitt
1465 246 4/6/1896 23/4/1896 Bennett, Winifred Rose William Boone Bennett (England) and Emma Priscilla Sage (England) Buenos Aires WPMcL James Warskitt, Priscilla Fanny Warskitt
1466 246 6/6/1896 8/6/1894 Beaux, Amanda Anais Beaux (France) c/Uruguay 692, Buenos Aires WPMcL Gratieri Beaux, Sophie Beaux
1467 246 11/6/1896 17/5/1894 Barilari, Hector Caesar Mariano Barilari (Buenos Aires) Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires WPMcL Josefina R. du Barilari, Atilio H. Barilari
1468 246 2/8/1896 23/9/1895 Saintot, Marie Louise Yvonne Blanche Cenery Saintot (France) and Lydia Joseph (France) c/Pozos 92, Buenos Aires WPMcL ? Paulemann, Ed. Widmer, Blanche Milet
1469 246 17/8/1896 28/12/1876 Eaton, Rachel Emma William Augustus Eaton (New York) and Emma Merewether (England) Buenos Aires WPMcL Mrs Mary R. McLaughlin
1470 246 19/9/1896 24/6/1896 McIntosh, Marjorie Robert and Francis Mary McIntosh Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1471 246 1/7/1896   Gregory, Annie Florence   Buenos Aires WPMcL thought to be dying
1472 246 3/10/1896 13/8/1896 Allan, Albert Ernest William Thomas Allan (England) and Matilda Shrewsbury (England) Buenos Aires WPMcL Cristina L. Stalker, R. M. Shrewsbury
1473 246 27/6/1896 12/11/1895 Manson, George Albert   Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1474 246 21/10/1896 2/9/1896 Grande, Santa Vengasmin Carmelo Grande and Carlota Febié Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1475 246 16/12/1896 22/10/1896 Richards, Luis Samuel Lewis Lawson Richards and Priscilla? Frances? Terrero? Buenos Aires WPMcL Alfredo Cuicci, Eufemia A. de Cuicci
1476 246 1/1/1897 30/11/196 Corbould, Frederick James Frederick B. Corbould and ?ry McGowan Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1477 246 28/1/1897 15/4/1895 Larra, Luz Enriqueta Elena Larra Buenos Aires WPMcL Carlos and Ana Crincavelli
1478 246 16/1/1897 22/1/1895 Morgan, Lily Gertrude Frank Morgan and Emma Colburn (Buenos Aires) Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1479 246 16/1/1897 28/8/1896 Morgan, Susana Violet Frank Morgan and Emma Colburn (Buenos Aires) Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1480 248 1/1/1897 24/5/1892 McMillan, Louisa Emily John McMillan (Scotland) and Louisa Howard (Argentina) Buenos Aires George P. Howard  
1481 248 1/1/1897 27/5/1894 McMillan, Catherine John McMillan (Scotland) and Louisa Howard (Argentina) Buenos Aires George P. Howard  
1482 248 20/2/1897 1/6/1876 Hug, Enrique Jean Albert Luciano Teofilo Hug (Switzerland) and Jenny Emilia Guiraud (France) Buenos Aires WPMcL Luciano Degoy, Bertha Bacque
1483 248 3/4/1897 28/2/1894 Hindle, Emma Delia Frederick William Hindle (England) and Angelita Percano (Italy) Couchillas, Uruguay WPMcL Jose Canessa, Resano Olinda, Luis Casazza, Luisa del Pozo
1484 248 29/5/1897 1/4/1896 Lods, Louisa Oscar Lods (France) and Louise Quemel (France) Madelena? 635, Buenos Aires WPMcL Emile Crevoiserat, Francois Crevoiserat
1485 248 12/6/1897 7/7/1896 Robinson, William Henry William H. C. Robinson and Charlotte Robinson (England) Quilmes, Buenos Aires WPMcL John Dunne, Michael Dinnen
1486 248 12/6/1897 13/7/1897 Dreifne, Charles Louis Ramon Llewellyn and Victoria Giassoni de Dreifne (Buenos Aires) Campana, Buenos Aires WPMcL Ernestina R. Scapussi, Emilio Della Casa
1487 248 13/6/1897 23/11/1896 Macco, Maria Louisa Clare Oscar Macco (Germany) and Sebastiana Lastra (Argentina) Caidus? 361, Buenos Aires WPMcL Maria Luisa T. Raimondi, Adolpho B. Raimondi
1488 248 26/6/1897 19/10/1896 Wallace, John Gaspar Robert Wallace (Scotland) and Eliza Milton (England) Pincon 1221, Barracas, Buenos Aires WPMcL Raffaello Palmerini, S. Jacob
1489 248 26/6/1897 20/5/1897 Carstensen, Dorothea Sophia Theodore Carstensen and Maria Kimbal Salta 568, Buenos Aires WPMcL Dora Helenco, Theodor Carstensen
1490 248 26/6/1897 20/5/1897 Porceiro, Dorothea Sophia Juan Porceiro and Maria Kihül Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1491 248 23/7/1897 29/9/1880 Greene, Henry Robert Robert Nathaniel Greene (Ireland) and Rachel Batta (Argentina) Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1492 248 23/7/1897 17/6/1884 Greene, Godfrey Chichester Robert Nathaniel Greene (Ireland) and Rachel Batta (Argentina) Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1493 248 23/7/1897 11/1/1887 Greene, John Samuel Robert Nathaniel Greene (Ireland) and Rachel Batta (Argentina) Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1494 248 23/7/1897 13/3/1892 Greene, Eliana Robert Nathaniel Greene (Ireland) and Rachel Batta (Argentina) Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1495 248 22/8/1897 21/8/1896 Guglielminatti, Louis Carlo? Francisco Guglielminatti (Italy) and Maria Wuitterm (Uruguay) Azcuenaga 553, Montevideo WPMcL C. Jepayet?, Elise Jayet
1496 248 26/8/1897 16/4/1897 Turner, Isabel Alice Robert Turner and May Ellen Smith Uruguay WPMcL Duncan Turner, Alice Smith
1497 248 30/8/1897 11/5/1897 Brill, Christopher Charles Falconer Christopher Francis Brill and Emma Falconer Buenos Aires WPMcL Charles Requefe, Polly Falconer de Requefe, Miguel J. Byrne, Clementina V. de Volante
1498 248 31/8/1897 25/4/1891 Cartwright, Robert Godfrey Godfrey John Cartwright (England) and Manuela Frailuna (Argentina) Paraná WPMcL Serviliano Gogorza, Pedro Frailon, Fanny Elizabeth Cartwright
1499 248 31/8/1897 21/3/1893 Cartwright, Lucy Elizabeth Godfrey John Cartwright (England) and Manuela Frailuna (Argentina) Paraná WPMcL Pedro Rumi, Lucy Isabella and Louisa Alice Cartwright
1500 248 31/8/1897 19/11/1896 Cartwright, Theresa Maria Godfrey John Cartwright (England) and Manuela Frailuna (Argentina) Paraná WPMcL William Percy and Maria Thimenschuster, Andy Tounch Hadsen
1501 248 19/9/1897 8/6/1897 Ward, Helena Luisa George James Ward (England) and Bertha Bougher Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1502 248 9/10/1897 14/6/1897 Deller, Kate Elba George Deller (England) and Ella Curtis (England) Brandzen 864, Buenos Aires WPMcL Mary Rossiter, Harry M. Browning
1503 248 27/10/1897 10/6/1882 Roncoli, Sofia Catalina Lorenzo Roncoli (Italy) and Annunciata Tonietta (Italy) Tucumán 1772, Rosario de Sta. Fe WPMcL Lineo Giamironi, Catalina F. Giamironi
1504 250 27/10/1897 28/12/1896 Wellby, Dorothy Henry G. Wellby (England) and Janet Crale Watson (Scotland) Scotland WPMcL Henry G. Wellby, Margaret Lucinda Phillips
1505 250 6/11/1897 8/11/1896 Colmegna, Elisabeth Antonio Colmegna (Argentina) and Elizabeth Wallace (Argentina) Buenos Aires WPMcL Antonio Porá (Vidal 2334, Belgrano), Maria Stafforene
1506 250 5/12/1897 15/9/1897 Clutterbuck, Emma Maud Norman H. Clutterbuck and Emma Martindale Buenos Aires WPMcL A. J. Martindale, C. A. Martindale
1507 250 18/12/1897 23/9/1897 Dittrich, Clara Julian D. Dittrich (Germany) and Maria Barroni (Argentina) Buenos Aires WPMcL C. Pellner, E. Pellner
1508 250 19/12/1897 27/9/1896 Briggs, Elsa Jane Ernest John A. Briggs (England) and Nan C. Wilson (Uruguay) Buenos Aires WPMcL Walter P. Cheesman, Elizabeth Jane Rough
1509 250 12/4/1898 21/12/1897 Schulz, Florrie Henry Schulz (Germany) and Mary Carvallo (Argentina) Guardia del Monte, Prov. Buenos Aires WPMcL Enrique Schulz, Fortunata Velardy
1510 250 28/4/1898 2/4/1896 Deterling, Frederic Augustine William William Deterling and Augusta Köehne Buenos Aires WPMcL G. Deterling, Auguste Deterling
1511 250 28/4/1898 6/1/1898 Deterling, Christopher Julius Raphael William Deterling and Augusta Köehne Buenos Aires WPMcL G. Deterling, Auguste Deterling
1512 250 8/5/1898 21/2/1898 Petersen, Gustav Luis Ernesto Petersen and Angela Santa Maria Buenos Aires WPMcL S. Barracus (c/Olivieri 664, Lanús), Ernest Petersen
1513 250 22/6/1898 26/6/1893 Bryant, Frank John Henry T. Bryant and Ida Lensch Buenos Aires WPMcL Ida Lausch Bryant, Augusta Lensch
1514 250 24/6/1898 12/3/1898 Kent, Louisa Walter Kent (England) and Matilda Codebo (Italy) Buenos Aires WPMcL Juan Codebo, Laura Codebo
1515 250 14/7/1898 20/1/1898 Little, Alfredo Pascual Henry Little (England) and Virginia Germima J. Sala (Argentina) Tandil, Prov. Buenos Aires WPMcL P. Sala, Ana D. de Sala
1516 250 14/8/1898 27/5/1898 Bartholomew, Charles Albert Albert Bartholomew (England) and Florentine Isabel Diaz (England) Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1517 250 8/9/1898 10/6/1898 Clutterbuck, Doris Mary Harold E. Clutterbuck (England) and Mercy Truman (England) Buenos Aires WPMcL Fred. R. Clutterbuck, M. A. Turner, Stanley C. Clutterbuck
1518 250 10/9/1898 22/7/1879 Eaton, Mary Ellen William A. Eaton (USA) and Emma Merreweather Buenos Aires WPMcL E. Eaton, Mary R. McLaughlin
1519 250 10/9/1898 1/12/1881 Eaton, Philip Richard William A. Eaton (USA) and Emma Merreweather Buenos Aires WPMcL E. Eaton, Mary R. McLaughlin
1520 250 6/10/1898 8/4/1889 Kerr, George Dante Maurice David Kerr (Scotland) and Emilia Maria Guillen Schatz (Germany) Buenos Aires WPMcL M. Reusmann (c/Independencia 1722), Elideo R. Reusmann
1521 250 8/10/1898 20/3/1898 Porceiro, José Jesus Juan Porceiro (Spain) and Maria Kihül (Germany) Buenos Aires WPMcL Jesus? Banneiro
1522 250 6/10/18989 23/3/1898 Croft, Harold Henry Paul Edward Henry Croft (England) and Anna Elizabeth Siddons Buenos Aires WPMcL Pablo T. Diaz
1523 250 18/11/1898 2/8/1898 Mackintosh, Beatrice Robert and Frances Mary Mackintosh Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1524 250 27/11/1898 4/12/1897 Watson, Edith Mabel William Watson (Scotland) and Annie Clutterbuck Buenos Aires WPMcL M. Watson and A. Watson
1525 250 7/12/1898 25/4/1897 Liska, Alexander Magno Jaraslan Liska (Austria) and Felica Pizza (Italy) Buenos Aires WPMcL Claudina Criado Losada, Federico Scharzing
1526 250 20/12/1898 19/3/1895 Harms, Emma Gustavo Harms (Germany) and Elizabeth Clark (Buenos Aires) Buenos Aires WPMcL William Wiseman Negrotto, Sofia Harms (11 de Setiembre 2340, Belgrano)
1527 250 24/12/1898 7/3/1898 Manson, Daniel Henry Albert Manson (Argentina) and Caroline Elena Reilly (Argentina) Buenos Aires WPMcL Ernest Henry Plass?, Elisa Manson
1528 250 30/12/1898 14/12/1898 Matthews, Edith Mary William S. Matthews (England) and Mary Ann Tink (Argentina) Buenos Aires WPMcL Charles L. Tate, Lucy Matthews
1529 250 28/2/1899 9/5/1896 Piette, Uberto Maximiliano Maximilian Piette and Sarci S. Warm Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1530 252 2/1/1899 4/12/1898 Mathews [Matthews], Howard Frederick H. Mathews {Matthews] and ?mma Barnet? Buenos Aires WPMcL George M. Smith, Lucy Mathews
1531 252 9/2/1899 27/2/1898 Drysdale, Dudley Stuart Joseph N. Drysdale and Ines Douglas Gibson London, England WPMcL Jane Gibson Sansinena
1532 252 11/2/1899 20/11/1898 Wellby, George Francis Henry G. Wellby and Janet Crale Watson Buenos Aires WPMcL George J. Ward, Mary Watson,
1533 252 2/4/1899 1/2/1899 Martin, Eleanor Rose Alfred George Martin and ? Pegrum Buenos Aires WPMcL George Carré, May Carré, W. Vittel
1534 252 4/4/1899 11/5/1896 Farias, Ana Maria Julio Farias (Argentina) and Maria Lisa Correa (Argentina) c/Rivadavia 3731, Buenos Aires WPMcL J. M. Correa, Ana Maria T. de Correa
1535 252 17/4/1899 27/7/1898 Hug, Eduardo Adolph Luis Teofilo Teofilo Hug (Switzerland) and Jenny Emilia Guiraud (France) Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1536 252 19/4/1899 26/8/1898 Stablis, Mabel Zoila William Stablis (USA) and Florence Day (New Zealand) c/San Juan 1372, Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1537 252 16/5/1899 12/3/1894 Tullin, John John Tullin (Sweden) and Louisa Björklund (Sweden) Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1538 252 16/5/1899 3/10/1897 Tullin, Oscar John Tullin (Sweden) and Louisa Björklund (Sweden) Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1539 252 5/8/1899 17/11/1880 Campbell, Helen McGregor Archibald Campbell (Scotland) and Mary Anna Corbett Semple (Scotland) Buenos Aires WPMcL Clementina R. de Ogan
1540 252 30/7/1899 01/10/1989 Saunders, George Turnbull Jordon C. Saunders and Margaret Turnbull Buenos Aires WPMcL Jaime Turnbull
1541 252 13/8/1899 3/7/1899 Schultz, Mary Ellen Henry Schultz (Germany) and Maria Carvallo Buenos Aires WPMcL H. P. Jepperen and Mary Jepperen (Monte, FCS)
1542 252 1/9/1899 2/12/1897 Dodd, Olga Ellen Eliza John Cowell Dodd (England) and Clara? Margaret McGregor (England) Tigre, Buenos Aires WPMcL Alexander Hunter, Eliza Dodd Horton, Ellen McGregor Hunter
1543 252 1/9/1899 7/9/1896 Wagner, Lucy Wilhelmina William Wagner (USA) and Anna Wiegard (USA) Buenos Aires WPMcL Neil Black, Caroline Bigmicler
1544 252 1/9/1899 16/7/1899 Wagner, Flora Anna Caroline William Wagner (USA) and Anna Wiegard (USA) Buenos Aires WPMcL Caroline Bronley, Neil Black
1545 252 23/9/1899 23/3/1899 Olsen, Helen Katherine Zephanine Olsen (Norway) and ?da Emma Pursall (England) Buenos Aires WPMcL Nellie Gallishaw (Posada 265), F. V. Beaufort
1546 252 28/9/1899 1/9/1898 Turner, Robert William Robert Turner (Scotland) and Mary Ellen Smith (Argentina) Uruguay WPMcL Bridget Smith and William S. Smith (Iriarte? Lopez 663)
1547 252 4/10/1899 7/2/1898 May, Walter William H. May (England) and Charlotte Kessell Buenos Aires WPMcL W. H. May, Charlotte Kessell
1548 252 4/10/1899 28/11/1894 May, John William H. May (England) and Charlotte Kessell Buenos Aires WPMcL W. H. May, Charlotte Kessell
1549 252 14/10/1899 8/8/1899 Croft, Malcolm Albert Edward H. Croft (England) and Annie E. Siddons (England) Buenos Aires WPMcL Frances Wilson, T. Rueda
1550 252 12/12/1899 16/5/1896 Dixon, Roland William Hercules Frank Dixon (England) and Ada Brayshaw (England) Almirante Brown 638, Buenos Aires WPMcL Margaret Doull, James Kennedy, Alexander Doull
1551 252 12/12/1899 2711/1897 Dixon, Edwin Hercules Frank Dixon (England) and Ada Brayshaw (England) Buenos Aires WPMcL Margaret Doull, James Kennedy, Alexander Doull
1552 252 28/10/1899 28/10/1898 Rocchi-Lanoir, Lilia Francine Milca Estanislao Rocchi-Lanoir (Italy) and Milca Prochet (Italy) Buenos Aires Charles W Drees Francisco Saverio Roechim, Srta. Beatrice Green, Sra. Margarita de Bergmann
1553 252 11/11/1899 15/5/1899 Klug, Carlos Luis Enrique Juan Klug and Elvira Villanueva Buenos Aires Charles W Drees Srta. Eveline Klug, Elvira Klug
1554 252 11/11/1899 21/11/1898 Bünsow, Margarita Maria Elvira Gustavo Bünsow and Bertha Hug Buenos Aires Charles W Drees Gretchen Kusemahly (Berlin), Louis Driscol
1555 252 24/12/1899 18/7/1899 Haim, Maria Louisa Louis Steven Haim and Evelyn May Frances? Chamlig Alsina 1237, Buenos Aires WPMcL Jean Philippe Delflucher (Serrano 2274)
1556 252 21/10/1899 21/7/1898 Cartwright, Agnes Mercedes Godfrey John Cartwright (England) and Manuela Frailuna (Argentina) Argentina WPMcL  
1557 254 15/1/1900 23/10/1898 Kuist, Margarita Bastian Kuist (Holland) and Sofia Verscha (Holland) Buenos Aires WPMcL F. Boning, C. Langliack? (Vieytes, FCS, Partido Magdalena)
1558 254 15/1/1900 25/5/1898 Porceiro, Enrique Juan Porceiro (Spain) and Maria Kihül (Germany) c/Victoria 1678, Buenos Aires WPMcL Enrico Frülk?, Jucal? Busero
1559 254 15/1/1900 7/12/1899 Hopkins, Archibald Harold George Hunter Hopkins (England) and Claudine Blight (England) c/ Perú 1755. Buenos Aires WPMcL James Salter, Leonora Lloyd
1560 254 28/1/1900 10/4/1899 White, George Robert James William White (Argentina) and Catherine Scairenn? (Scotland) Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1561 254 25/2/1900 32/5/1899 Kent, Pia Rosita Walter Kent (England) and Matilda Codebo (Italy) c/Andes 494, Buenos Aires WPMcL Rosa Codebo, Santiago Casaburu
1562 254 3/3/1900 11/9/1899 Drysdale, Winifred Maud Joseph N. Drysdale (Argentina) and Inez Douglas Gibson (Argentina) c/Chili 1272, Buenos Aires WPMcL Helena A. Drysdale, N. Simon
1563 254 25/3/1900 28/3/1899 Mills, Ida Claudia Carme Elon T. Mills (USA) and Elizabeth E. D. Allen (England) Buenos Aires WPMcL Carmen Cerretto, A. P. Shirston?
1564 254 5/4/1900 8/3/1900 Pilliner, Margaret Amy Beatrice Richard Godfrey Pilliner (England) and Margaret Dickson (Argentina) c/Aviles 670, Buenos Aires WPMcL Margaret Rowe, Florence Beatrice Turner
1565 254 6/5/1900 8/11/1899 Clerc, Charles Joseph Louis Clerk (Switzerland) and Augustine Paretto (France) Buenos Aires WPMcL Marie Paretto, Joseph Paretto
1566 254 27/5/1900 5/2/1900 Bridge, Winifred Grace Tomás Bridge (Argentine) and ?quetine Winifred Brooking (England) Buenos Aires WPMcL George H. Brooking, Joyce R. James
1567 254 27/5/1900 5/2/1900 Bridge, Evelyn Mary Tomás Bridge (Argentina) and ?quetine Winifred Brooking (England) Buenos Aires WPMcL P. J. J. Bridge, P. Bridge, Lucy J. James
1568 254 3/6/1900 15/2/1900 Junor, Albert Wilson William H. Junor (Argentina) and Eliza Lucy Marrion (Uruguay) Buenos Aires WPMcL W. H. MacLauf, L. E. Cowell
1569 254 22/5/1900 10/5/1900 Matthews, Frederick Alexander F. H. Matthews (England) and ?na W. Blanch (England) Buenos Aires WPMcL Alex. Mackinnon, Caroline Matthews
1570 254 20/6/1900 5/12/1899 Bennett, Inez Frances 'William Boone Bennett (England) and Emma P. Sage (England) c/Corrientes 851, Buenos Aires WPMcL Jamie Cowie, Priscilla Fanny Warskitt
1571 254 5/7/1900 14/10/1886 Jacquier, Marie Madeleine Eduardo Jacquier (Switzerland) and ?lien Gourgnan (Argentina) Buenos Aires WPMcL Etienne Latour, Madeleine Latour (Belgrano 336)
1572 254 15/7/1900 7/2/1894 Mailhé, Raoul Alfred Mailhé (France) and Georgina Yrigaray (France) Buenos Aires WPMcL Dominique Bourgeous (c/Lorlat 249)
1573 254 15/7/1900 30/12/1895 Graham, John Joseph John Graham (Argentina) and Ruth Sutton Mercedes, Prov. Buenos Aires WPMcL for Emily S. de Albariños/J. Sutton, for Gerardo Albariños/J. V. P. Lovett, for Francisco Dietrich/J. V. P. Lovett, Luisa S. De Dietrich
1574 254 15/7/1900 8/12/1898 Graham, Francis Dietrich John Graham (Argentina) and Ruth Sutton Mercedes, Prov. Buenos Aires WPMcL  
1575 254 16/7/1900 28/6/1898 Olivari, Enriqueta Maria Gayitano Olivari (Italy) and ?ulu Del Bueno (Italy) Cochabamba 329, Buenos Aires WPMcL Matilde Del Bueno, Enrique E. Del Bueno
1576 254 16/9/1900 21/12/1899 Davis, John Henry Joseph Davis (USA) and ?Eva Gable (England) c/Presidente 1076, Buenos Aires WPMcL Gertrude Gable, Henry L. Whitney (c/Madelin 412, Barracas)
1577 254 6/10/1900 23/4/1898 Lods, Emile Oscar Lods (France) and Louisa Kennell (France) Buenos Aires WPMcL Emilio Reyland, Celestine Reyland
1578 254 21/10/1900 1/9/1900 Cornish, Cyril Herbert Ainscough Charles H. Cornish (England) and May Yeomans (England) Buenos Aires WPMcL Mary R. McLaughlin, T. Rainscough
1579 254 15/12/1900 27/5/1899 Chauvia, Eduardo Juan Juan Daniel Chauvia (Uruguay) and Matilda Schuyder (Uruguay) San Vicente, Prov. Buenos Aires WPMcL Juan Bigacci
1580 254 16/12/1900 2/1/1896 Agrelo, Julia Esther Segundo Agrelo (Spain) and Angela Fais (Spain) Buenos Aires WPMcL Hornaria? N. de Cartis?, Fecundo Lima
1581 254 16/12/1900 26/6/1900 Murchison, Emma Mereweather John Murchison (Canada) and Rachel E. Eaton Buenos Aires WPMcL Emma Eaton, ? Nightingale

Fuente: Archivo parroquial, Iglesia Episcopal Metodista de Buenos Aires
© La forma de presentación de estos datos se reserva al autor, Jeremy Howat, Agosto 2012