Iglesia Evangélica Metodista Argentina

Baptisms in the Methodist Episcopal Church in Buenos Aires, 1837-1852

Introduction     Baptisms 1837-1852,   1853-1860,   1861-1870,   1871-1880,   1881-1890,   1891-1900,   1901-1908
Marriages 1843-1860,   1861-1870,   1871-1880,   1881-1892
Burials 1843-1860,    1861-1870,    1871-1880,    1881-1886    Members 1843-1860

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# Registro consolidado Registro y pág. Fecha baut. Fecha nac. Nombre de bautizado Nombre de padres Domicilio Oficiante Testigos, Notas, etcetera
# Consolidated register page Register and page Date of bapt. Date of birth Name of person baptised Name of parents Residence Officiating minister Witness, Remarks, &c.
1 148   21/9/1839 18/7/1835 Hudson, Daniel Augustus Daniel and Caroline Augusta Hudson Buenos Aires JD The record of the births of these persons has been obtained from the Family Bible
2 148   21/9/1839 11/1/1837 Hudson, Edwin Andrews Daniel and Caroline Augusta Hudson Buenos Aires JD
3 148   21/9/1839 21/6/1839 Hudson, Caroline Louisa Daniel and Caroline Augusta Hudson Buenos Aires JD
4 150   24/9/1837 8/8/1837 Junor, William John Dempster William and Margaret Junor Buenos Aires JD Died 1920
5 150 2/1 17/1/1841 15/4/1840 Junor, Alexander William and Margaret Junor Buenos Aires JD John Reynolds
6 150 2/1 x/1/1841 14/6/1840 Reynolds, William John John and Elisabeth Reynolds Buenos Aires JD  
7 148   10/10/1841 4/8/1841 Hudson, William Henry Daniel and Caroline Augusta Hudson   JD details from the family bible
8 150 2/1 28/3/1842 15/2/1842 Pasman, Amelia William and Sarah Pasman Buenos Aires JD William Lewis, Catherine Miles
9 150 2/1 3 or 4/1842 5/7/1841 Moreton [Morton], Elizabeth Robert and Susan Moreton [Morton] Buenos Aires JD James Steadman, O. J. Hays, Mrs Dempster
10 150 2/1 14/9/1842 3/8/1838 Livingston, Francis Sutton William T. and Elizabeth Livingston Buenos Aires JD  
11 150 2/1 14/9/1842 7/7/1840 Livingston, Louisa Adelaide William T. and Elizabeth Livingston Buenos Aires JD  
12 150 2/1 14/9/1842 29/1/1842 Livingston, Thomas Moore William T. and Elizabeth Livingston Buenos Aires JD  
13 150 1/38, 2/2 25/1/1843   Reynolds, Margaret John and Margaret Reynolds Buenos Aires WHN died of small pox 7/1/1843
14 150 1/38, 2/2 26/1/1843 2/9/1842 Lowry, George Hobson John G. and Susan Lowry Buenos Aires WHN Susan should be Julia
15 150 1/38, 2/2 23/4/1843 21/10/1843 McCann, Eliza William and Ann McCann Buenos Aires WHN first baptisms in the church
16 150 1/38, 2/2 23/4/1843 30/8/1842 Blake, Isabella George W. and Elizabeth B. Blake Buenos Aires WHN first baptisms in the church
17 150 1/38, 2/2 26/4/1843 26/2/1842 Hartwig, Caroline Eliza Voss Nelson and Annistene Hartwig Buenos Aires WHN  
18 150 1/38, 2/2 29/5/1843 4/4/1843 Moore, Richard John and Mary Ann Moore Buenos Aires WHN  
19 150 1/38, 2/2 6/6/1843 31/5/1843 Mack, Caroline John G. and Elizabeth Mack Buenos Aires WHN  
20   1/38   after May Junor, (child) William and Margaret Junor   WHN died of the "Mal"
21 150 1/38, 2/2 24/10/1843 30/8/1843 Hudson, Albert Merriam Daniel and Caroline A. Hudson Quilmes WHN  
22   1/38, 2/2 22/2/1844   White, (child) William and Mary White   WHN died 23/2/1844
23 150 1/38, 2/2 20/8/1844   Wardlaugh, (son) William and Mary Wardlaugh Buenos Aires WHN died 21/8/1844
24 150 1/38, 2/2 3/11/1844 10/1/1844 Moreton [Morton], Robert Hankey Robert and Susan Moreton [Morton] Buenos Aires WHN  
25 150 1/38, 2/2 11/1/1845 3/1/1845 White, Edwin Hugh William and Mary J. White Buenos Aires WHN  
26 150 1/38, 2/2 9/2/1845 8/10/1844 Passman [Pasman], William William and Sarah Passman [Pasman] Buenos Aires WHN  
27 150 1/38, 2/2 9/2/1845 19/5/1844 Reynolds, Robert John and Joanna Reynolds Buenos Aires WHN  
28 150 1/38, 2/2 9/2/1845 1/1/1842 Miller, Jessie Nicholas Jansen Nelson and Margaret Miller Buenos Aires WHN baptised at the house of Richard H. Moreton
29 150 1/38, 2/2 22/2/1845 16//2/1844 Junor, [child] William and Margaret Junor Buenos Aires WHN died of the "Mal" 28/2/1845
30 152 1/38, 2/2 X/2/1845   Dewey, [child] ?? Dewey Buenos Aires WHN baptised at 7 days old; died the same day
31 152 1/38, 2/2 15/6/1845 25/12/1843 Leach, Sarah Jane Andrew and Jane Leach Buenos Aires WHN  
32 152 1/38, 2/2 29/6/1845 19/6/1845 Lawes, Elizabeth John and Isabella Lawes Buenos Aires WHN  
33 152 1/38, 2/2 18/8/1845 17/1/1845 Henderson, Margaret Isabella Andrew and Jane Henderson Buenos Aires WHN  
34 152 1/40, 2/3 18/9/1845 7/5/1844 Norris, John Mahan William H. and Sarah M. Norris Buenos Aires WHN  
35 152 1/40, 2/3 18/9/1845 16/8/1844 Livingston, Emma William T. and Eliza L. Livingston Buenos Aires WHN  
36 152 1/40, 2/3 13/5/1846 20/4/1846 Crampton, Catherine Jane R. H. and Jane Crampton Buenos Aires WHN  
37 152 1/40, 2/3 15/8/1846 9/7/1846 Nowell, Alice Ellen William and Jane Nowell Buenos Aires WHN  
38 152 1/40, 2/3 8/9/1846 26/7/1846 Passman [Pasman], Miles Andrew William and Sarah Passman [Pasman] Buenos Aires WHN  
39 152 1/40, 2/3 1/10/1846 19/8/1846 White, Alfred John William and Mary Josephine White Buenos Aires WHN  
40 152 1/40, 2/3 11/10/1846 2/3/1846 Tucker, Marian Thomas and Marian Tucker Buenos Aires WHN  
41 152 1/40, 2/3 21/10/1846 31/1/1846 Milburn, Ann George and Ann Milburn Buenos Aires WHN  
42 152 1/40, 2/3 21/10/1846 15/6/1845 Tilfourd [Telford], Jessie Ann William and Jessie Tilfourd [Telford] Buenos Aires WHN  
43 152 1/40, 2/3 6/12/1846 14//8/1846 Reynolds, Christina John and Joanna Reynolds Buenos Aires WHN  
44 152 1/40, 2/3 16/12/1846 5/6/1846 Harris, James Lockwood John S. and Mary E. Harris Buenos Aires WHN  
45 152 1/40, 2/3 16/12/1846 30/11/1846 Hudson, Mary Ellen Harris Daniel and Caroline A. Hudson Buenos Aires WHN  
46 152 1/40, 2/3 18/2/1847 15/12/1845 Miller, Christina Nicholas Jansen Nelson and Margaret Miller Partido de San Vicente WHN  
47 152 1/40, 2/3 25/3/1847 20/2/1847 Shaw, Charles John and Mary Shaw Buenos Aires WHN  
48 152 1/40, 2/3 24/4/1847 15/4/1847 Mitchell, Mary John and Hannah Mitchell Buenos Aires WHN  
49 152 1/40, 2/3 25/5/1847 31/12/1846 Buggen [Boggins?], William William and Ann Buggen [Boggins?] Buenos Aires WHN  
50 152 1/40, 2/3 3/6/1847 x/3/1846 Jones, George James Margaret Jones and James Woollands Buenos Aires WHN  
51 152 1/40, 2/3 3/6/1847 19/6/1846 Jones, Mary Mary Jones and James Woollands Buenos Aires WHN  
52 152 1/40, 2/3 27/6/1847 12/5/1847 Inglis, Peace son of Warwick and Sarah Inglis Buenos Aires WHN  
53 152 1/42, 2/4 14/7/1847 29/5/1847 Bell, John John D. and Agnes S. Bell Buenos Aires WHN  
54 152 1/42, 2/4 25/7/1847 27/12/1846 McLane [McLean], James John and Margaret McLane [McLean] Buenos Aires WHN  
55 154 1/42, 2/4 31/7/1847 23/7/1847 Moore, Thomas John and Mary Ann Moore Buenos Aires WHN  
56 154 1/42, 2/4 12/1/1848 4/1/1848 Dewey, Alexander Francis and Mary Dewey Buenos Aires DDL died of the "Mal"
57 154 1/42, 2/4 26/1/1848 13/7/1847 Shaw, William Dallas Henry and Rosamund Shaw Buenos Aires DDL  
58 154 1/42, 2/4 2/2/1848 5/12/1847 Helsby, Edmund Hazell Thomas Columbus and Patience Helsby Buenos Aires DDL George FitzPatrick, Mrs William White
59 154 1/42, 2/4 22/2/1848 7/11/1847 Clark, Anna Maria John and Anna Maria Clark Buenos Aires DDL  
60 154 1/42, 2/4 27/2/1848 12/12/1847 Duncan, James Dempster Thomas and Isabella Duncan Buenos Aires DDL  
61 154 1/42, 2/4 5/5/1848 29/4/1848 Tenker, Laura Louisa William L. and Laura L. Tenker Buenos Aires DDL died of the "Mal" on 6/5/1848
62 154 1/42, 2/4 1/8/1848 17/7/1847 Kidd, Martha John and Isabella Kidd Buenos Aires DDL  
63 154 1/42, 2/4 9/8/1848 14/5/1848 Miller, Emily James N. and Margaret Miller Buenos Aires DDL  
64 154 1/42, 2/4 15/8/1848 9/5/1848 Passman [Pasman], Andrew Hennessley William and Sarah Passman [Pasman] Buenos Aires DDL  
65 154 1/42, 2/4 25/9/1848 18/9/1848 Moore, Ada Elizabeth John and Mary Ann Moore Buenos Aires DDL  
66 154 1/44, 2/4 9/10/1848 18/7/1847 McLellan, Harriet Eliza William H. and Harriet McLellan Buenos Aires DDL  
67 154 1/44, 2/4 30/10/1848 16/8/1847 Livingston, Elizabeth Norris [Moore] William T. and Elizabeth L. Livingston Buenos Aires DDL  
68 154 1/44, 2/4 17/12/1848 25/10/1848 White, Charles James William and Mary Josephine White Buenos Aires DDL  
69 154 1/44, 2/4 17/12/1848 20/8/1848 Blake, Mary Ellen William S. and Mary E. Blake Chascomús DDL  
70 154 1/44, 2/4 18/12/1848 17/6/1848 Underwood, Isabella John and Amelia Underwood In the Camp DDL  
71 154 1/44, 2/4 5/1/1849 31/1/1848 Crampton, Jane R. H. and Jane Crampton in the Province of Buenos Aires DDL  
72 154 1/44, 2/4 12/1/1849 1/12/1848 Bell, Thomas John D. and Agnes Bell Buenos Aires DDL  
73 154 1/44, 2/4 1/4/1849 7/4/1848 Lore, J. William D. D. and Rebecca T. Lore Buenos Aires JLL  
74 154 1/44, 2/4 23/4/1849 14/5/1848 Woollands, Mary Ann Margaret Ann and James Woollands In the Camp DDL  
75 154 1/45, 2/5 30/4/1849 25/8/1846 Lowry, Julia John G. and Julia Lowry at the Buseo DDL  
76 154 1/45, 2/5 30/4/1849 8/6/1848 Lowry, Irving John G. and Julia Lowry at the Buseo DDL  
77 154 1/45, 2/5 7/5/1849 4/5/1849 Shortridge, Thomas Thomas and Elizabeth Shortridge Buenos Aires DDL  
78 154 1/45, 2/5 8/5/1849 15/9/1842 Tenker, Florence William L. and Laura L. Tenker Buenos Aires DDL  
79 154 1/45, 2/5 8/5/1849 30/6/1845 Tenker, Francis Lee William L. and Laura L. Tenker Buenos Aires DDL  
80 156 1/45, 2/5 19/5/1849 7/5/1849 Tucker, Mary Ann Thomas and Marion Tucker Buenos Aires DDL  
81 156 1/45, 2/5 4/6/1849 27/3/1849 Oliver, Elleanor Jeremiah and Mary Oliver Buenos Aires DDL  
82 156 1/45, 2/5 7/6/1849 2/6/1849 Christenson, Christian Lars and Jane Christenson Buenos Aires DDL  
83 156 1/45, 2/5 22/7/1849 18/3/1849 Greenwood, Samuel Gay Samuel Gay and Sarah E. Greenwood Buenos Aires DDL  
84 156 1/45, 2/5 31/7/1849 12/5/1849 Mitchell, Joseph Benjamin John and Hannah Mitchell Buenos Aires DDL  
85 156 1/46, 2/5 12/8/1849 25/3/1849 Barnes, Ellen Joseph and Margaret Barnes Buenos Aires DDL  
86 156 1/46, 2/5 7/9/1849 30/5/1849 Campling, Julia Grace William James and Mary Ann Campling Buenos Aires DDL  
87 156 1/46, 2/5 21/9/1849 1/9/1849 Dewey, Henry James Francis and Mary Dewey Buenos Aires DDL  
88 156 1/46, 2/5 21/9/1849 15/9/1849 Wynn, Clara Thomas and Isabella Wynn Buenos Aires DDL  
89 156 1/46, 2/5 21/10/1849 x/8/1847 Nash, James Llewellyn Mary Ann Pierce and Llewellyn Nash Buenos Aires DDL aged 2 years, 2 months
90 156 1/46, 2/5 21/10/1849 3/7/1849 Nash, Amos Mary Ann Pierce and Llewellen Nash Buenos Aires DDL  
91 156 1/46, 2/6 10/11/1849 6/9/1849 Humphries, Harriet John and Sarah Humphries Buenos Aires DDL  
92 156 1/46, 2/6 14/11/1849 23/3/1849 Moore, George Archer Archer and Margaret Moore Buenos Aires DDL  
93 156 1/46, 2/6 13/12/1849 5/11/1849 Nunes, James David William and Bridget Nunes Buenos Aires DDL  
94 156 1/46, 2/6 1/1/1850 22/9/1849 Helsby, Rebecca Eliza Thomas C. and Patience Helsby Buenos Aires DDL  
95 156 1/46, 2/6 13/1/1850 17/6/1849 Lore, Anna Julia D. D. and R. J. Lore Buenos Aires JLL  
96 156 1/47, 2/6 10/2/1850 26/2/1849 Black, Edmund John and Ellen Black Buenos Aires DDL George and Eliza Black
97 156 1/47, 2/6 24/2/1850 2/2/1850 Smith, Frederick George Spurr and Elizabeth Smith Buenos Aires DDL illegitimate
98 156 1/47, 2/6 8/3/1850 8/3/1850 McKern [Mackern], Julia Ann William and Jessie McKern [Mackern] Buenos Aires DDL  
99 156 1/47, 2/6 24/4/1850 16/1/1850 Blinkhorn, Francis James Samuel and Henrietta Gream Blinkhorn In the Camp DDL  
100 156 1/47, 2/6 24/4/1850 x/3/1850 Lester, Thomas Langton James and Susan Lester Buenos Aires DDL William Southron and wife
101 156 1/47, 2/6 3/5/1850 22/4/1848 Farrell, George William and Zillah Farrell In the Camp DDL George Henderson
102 156 1/47, 2/6 3/5/1850 10/1/1850 Farrell, Elizabeth Margaret William and Zillah Farrell In the Camp DDL John McCready and Elizabeth Rogers
103 156 1/47, 2/6 5/5/1850 23/11/1848 Shortridge, Ann Bagnel Thomas and Elizabeth Shortridge Buenos Aires DDL  
104 156 1/47, 2/6 5//5/1850 16/4/1850 Shortridge, John Thomas and Elizabeth Shortridge Buenos Aires DDL  
105 156 1/48, 2/6 20/5/1850 x/5/1850 Lines, Mary Ann Samuel and Cayetana Lines In the Camp DDL  
106 156 1/48, 2/6 29/5/1850 8/12/1849 Dodge, Elizabeth Matilda Samuel and Elizabeth Dodge Buenos Aires DDL  
107 158 1/48, 2/6 16/6/1850 8/10/1847 Long, Phebe Ellen Christian and Eliza Long Entre Rios DDL  
108 158 1/48, 2/6 17/6/1850 16/4/1850 Woollands, Elizabeth James and Margaret Ann Woollands In the "Camp" DDL  
109 158 1/48, 2/6 27/6/1850 13/5/1850 Passman [Pasman], Lucy Sarah William and Sarah Passman [Pasman] Buenos Aires DDL Thomas C. Simpson and Lucy A. Killiam
110 158 1/48, 2/7 5/7/1850 adult Hudson, Caroline Augusta   In the "Camp" DDL  
111 158 1/48, 2/7 9/7/1850 17/4/1850 Hilliard, Arthur Edward John Edward and Anne Lindsay Hilliard Buenos Aires DDL Alfred Wallace Vincent, William Rufane Froggart, Sarah Betson
112 158 1/48, 2/7 12/7/1850 31/1/1850 Shaw, Catharine Henry and Rosa Shaw Buenos Aires DDL died 13/7/1850
113 158 1/48, 2/7 26/7/1850 7/1/1850 Kidd, Jane Edwards William and Jane Kidd In the "Camp" DDL  
114 158 1/49, 2/7 28/7/1850 24/5/1850 Moore, Ada Ann John and Mary Ann Moore Buenos Aires DDL  
115 158 1/49, 2/7 30/7/1850 12/6/1850 Shedden, George William and Isabella Shedden In the "Camp" DDL  
116 158 1/49, 2/7 22/8/1850 4/2/1850 Wallace, James Thomas and Isabella Wallace In the "Camp" DDL  
117 158 1/49, 2/7 23/8/1850 14/2/1850 Henderson, George Cook George and Cecilia Henderson Buenos Aires DDL George McIntire and Elizabeth Cook
118 158 1/49, 2/7 2/9/1850 11/6/1850 Crampton, Jane Robert H. and Jane Crampton Buenos Aires DDL  
119 158 1/49, 2/7 13/9/1850 22/8/1850 Bell, Isabella John and Agnes Bell Buenos Aires DDL  
120 158 1/49, 2/7 23/9/1850 14/5/1850 Newnham, Alfred Ashby James and Anna Newnham Buenos Aires DDL James Newnham, John Yetman, Martha Roberts
121 158 1/49, 2/7 25/10/1850 18/10/1850 McLane [McLean], Susan John and Christiana McLane [McLean] Buenos Aires DDL  
122 158 1/49, 2/7 10/11/1850 25/11/1849 Livingston, William Lord William T. and Elizabeth Livingston Buenos Aires DDL  
123 158 1/49, 2/7 17/11/1850 10/9/1850 Junor, Mary Jane William and Margaret Junor Buenos Aires DDL  
124 158 1/49, 2/7 17/11/1850 10/9/1850 Junor, Betsy Ann William and Margaret Junor Buenos Aires DDL  
125 158 1/49, 2/7 2/12/1850 19/7/1850 Johnston, Ellen Ninan and Jane Johnston In the Camp of Buenos Aires DDL  
126 158 1/50, 2/7 2/12/1850 24/6/1850 Drysdale, John Joseph and Margaret Drysdale In the Camp DDL  
127 158 1/50, 2/7 2/12/1850 17/7/1850 McCargo, John John and Jane McCargo In the Camp DDL  
128 158 1/50, 2/7 1/1/1851 17/6/1847 Belne, Francis Lewis and Martha Belne Buenos Aires DDL  
129 158 1/50, 2/8 1/1/1851 5/10/1846 Colomb, Hepzibah Margarita Antonio and Elizabeth Emma Colomb Buenos Aires DDL  
130 158 1/50, 2/8 1/1/1851 19/4/1849 Colomb, Elizabeth Anna Antonio and Elizabeth Emma Colomb Buenos Aires DDL  
131 158 1/50, 2/8 1/1/1851 26/6/1850 Reynolds, Charles Henry John and Joanna Reynolds Buenos Aires DDL  
132 158 1/50, 2/8 1/1/1851 26/6/1850 Reynolds, Matilda Joanna John and Joanna Reynolds Buenos Aires DDL  
133 158 1/50, 2/8 7/1/1851 18/11/1850 Nowell, Ellen Eliza William and Jane Nowell Buenos Aires DDL  
134 158 1/50, 2/8 12/1/1851 12/7/1850 Blake, Sarah Elizabeth William S. and Mary E. Blake Chascomús DDL  
135 160 1/51, 2/8 19/1/1851 1/12/1846 Lloyd, Caroline Louisa Thomas and Harriet Lloyd Buenos Aires DDL  
136 160 1/51, 2/8 19/1/1851 6/10/1848 Lloyd, Sarah Harriet Thomas and Harriet Lloyd Buenos Aires DDL  
137 160 1/51, 2/8 19/1/1851 27/7/1850 Lloyd, William David Thomas and Harriet Lloyd Buenos Aires DDL  
138 160 1/51, 2/8 27/1/1851 16/11/1849 Gilmore, Malcolm Malcolm and Dorothea Gilmore Buenos Aires DDL  
139 160 1/51, 2/8 4/2/1851 11/10/1850 Christensen, Anna Margarita Lars and Jane Christensen Buenos Aires DDL  
140 160 1/51, 2/8 23/2/1851 11/1/1851 Seal, Harriet Dolores Richard and Dolores Seal Buenos Aires DDL  
141 160 1/51, 2/8 26/2/1851 6/3/1847 Kidd, William Robert and Isabella Kidd Buenos Aires DDL  
142   1/51 26/2/1851 12/7/1849 Kidd, Margaret Robert and Isabella Kidd Buenos Aires DDL  
143 160 1/51, 2/8 12/3/1851 6/3/1851 Cook, Ellen William and Elizabeth Cook Buenos Aires DDL  
144 160 1/52, 2/8 4/4/1851 adult Keach, Harriet Augusta   Buenos Aires DDL  
145 160 1/52, 2/8 17/4/1851 adult Morris, Jane   Buenos Aires DDL  
146 160 1/52, 2/8 17/4/1851 22/9/1832 Morris, Ellen Thomas and Jane Morris Buenos Aires DDL  
147   1/52, 2/8 17/4/1851 4/6/1842 Morris, Thomas Thomas and Jane Morris Buenos Aires DDL  
148 160 1/52, 2/8 17/4/1851 17/8/1850 Morris, Edward Jane Morris, illegitimate by Drysdale Buenos Aires DDL  
149 160 1/52, 2/9 27/4/1851 18/10/1850 Powell, Elizabeth Thomas and Sarah Powell In the Camp DDL  
150 160 1/52, 2/9 24/5/1851 24/12/1850 Ferguson, Alexander Alexander and Fanny Ferguson In the Camp DDL  
151 160 1/52, 2/9 15/6/1851 29/4/1851 Claypole, Mary Anna Peter and Mary Claypole Buenos Aires DDL  
152 160 1/52, 2/9 15/6/1851 x/5/1850 Clare, Ellen Henry and Mary Clare Buenos Aires DDL  
153 160 1/52, 2/9 21/6/1851 9/6/1851 Parks, Sarah Henry and Elizabeth Parks Buenos Aires DDL  
154 160 1/52, 2/9 27/6/1851 12/4/1851 Robson, Jane Henry (Hugh) and Jane Robson Partido de Ranchos DDL Mother's maiden name Jane Rodger
155 160 1/52, 2/9 2/7/1851 28/8/1844 Dupignac, Azelia Rosa Alexander and Phebe Ann Dupignac Buenos Aires DDL  
156 160 1/52, 2/9 16/7/1851 10/7/1851 Gibson, William Dalziel William and Louisa Gibson Buenos Aires DDL Certificate given 28/11/1867
157   1/52, 2/9 28/7/1851 2/6/1851 Shaw, Joseph John and Mary Shaw Buenos Aires DDL  
158 160 1/52, 2/9 3/9/1851 1/9/1851 Shaw, Jennet Henry and Rosa Shaw Buenos Aires DDL died of the "Mal"
159 160 1/52, 2/9 15/9/1851 9/9/1851 Watson, James William and Jane Watson Buenos Aires DDL died of the "Mal"
160 160 1/52, 2/9 26/9/1851 28/5/1851 Young, Jane William and Margaret Young Buenos Aires DDL  
161 160 1/53, 2/9 19/10/1851 13/9/1851 Campling, Robert John William and Mary Ann Campling Buenos Aires DDL  
162 160 1/53, 2/9 2/11/1851 11/2/1851 John Feliz John and Hilaria In the "Camp" DDL baptized at Mr Hudson's
163 160 1/53, 2/9 12/11/1851 3/11/1851 Carpenter, Elizabeth Henry and Isabella Carpenter Buenos Aires DDL died of the "Mal"
164 162 1/53, 2/9 23/11/1851 4/10/1851 Medhurst, Mary Ann James and Mary Medhurst Buenos Aires DDL  
165 162 2/10 18/12/1851 7/10/1851 Mitchell, Charlotte Caroline John and Hannah Mitchell Buenos Aires DDL  
166 162 2/10 5/1/1852 22/10/1851 Gibson, Charles Cumming James and Margaret Gibson In the camp DDL  
167 162 2/10 14/1/1852 28/1/1851 Leeson, James James and Mary Leeson Buenos Aires DDL  
168 162 1/51, 2/10 27/1/1852 7/5/1851 Gilmore, George John Malcolm and Dorothea Gilmore Buenos Aires DDL  
169 162 2/10 30/1/1852 7/10/1851 Plunket[t], Martha Ann John and Ann Plunket[t] Bio Blanco DDL  
170 162 2/10 22/2/1852 30/12/1851 Lore, Dallas Davis D. D. and R. T. Lore Buenos Aires CSS  
171 162 2/10 5/3/1852 3/10/1851 Burfred, Maria Jem Lauritz and Attomine C. Burfred Germany DDL The child was born on the China Sea
172 162 2/10 28/3/1852 24/10/1851 Wilks, Edward Frederick and Jane Wilks Tigre, Buenos Aires DDL  
173 162 2/10 29/3/1852 6/8/1842 Brower, Clarissa Josephine Joseph and Clarissa Brower Buenos Aires DDL  
174 162 2/10 29/3/1852 7/7/1848 Brower, Mary Jane Joseph and Clarissa Brower Buenos Aires DDL  
175 162 2/10 29/3/1852 20/1/1851 Boggins, Charlotte Ann William and Anna Boggins Buenos Aires DDL  
176 162 2/10 22/4/1852 3/2/1852 Colton, Charlotte William C. and Louisa Colton Buenos Aires DDL  
177 162 2/10 5/5/1852 1/5/1852 Colomb, Catherine Antonio and Elizabeth E. Colomb Buenos Aires DDL  
178 162 2/10 15/6/1852 22/4/1852 Johnston, Margaret Ninian and Jane Johnston En el campo DDL  
179 162 2/10 15/7/1852 9/7/1852 Clare, James Henry and Elena Clare Buenos Aires DDL died of "Mal" 22/7/1852
180 162 2/10 21/7/1852 22/3/1852 Dewey, Amelia Charlotte Francis and Margaret Dewey Buenos Aires DDL  
181 162 2/10 23/8/1852 1/7/1852 Christensen, John Lars and Jane Christenson Buenos Aires DDL  
182 162 2/10 18/10/1852 5/4/1852 Cook, William William and Elizabeth Cook Buenos Aires DDL  
183 162   18/10/1852 8/4/1852 Lowry, Edith Lois John G. and Julia Lowry Montevideo DDL  
184 162 2/10 20/10/1852 6/8/1852 Ross, John Daniel John and Isabella Cook Buenos Aires DDL  
185 162 2/10 28/10/1852 27/10/1851 Helsby, Clara Stephens Thomas C. and Patience Helsby Buenos Aires DDL  
186 162 2/11 15/11/1852 19/7/1852 Humphries, John John and Sarah Humphries Buenos Aires DDL  

Fuente: Archivo parroquial, Iglesia Episcopal Metodista de Buenos Aires
© La forma de presentación de estos datos se reserva al autor, Jeremy Howat, mayo 2010