Provincia de Buenos Aires: Iglesia Escocesa de Florencio Varela—matrimonios 1857-1909

bautismos 1857-1871,   1872-1889,   1891-1900   introducción y matrimonios 1857-1909  

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En 1855, los inmigrantes escoceses radicados en lo que es ahora Florencio Varela en el Partido de Quilmes, resolvieron formar una congregación y construyeron una iglesia. El primer pastor de la iglesia fue el Revdo. Francis Gebbie, que llegó en 1857 y trabajó hasta que se retiró por razones de salud en 1883.

Durante este período, Gebbie también se encargó de la atención pastoral de una congregación formada por los residentes escoceses en Jeppener. La iglesia en Jeppener continuó en uso hasta 1927.

El segundo pastor, el Revdo. Lachlan McNeill, había llegado a la Argentina en 1866 para ocuparse de los pobladores escoceses en Uruguay y en la Provincia de Entre Ríos. En 1883 él fue invitado a trasladarse a Florencio Varela. McNeill fue el pastor de St John's en Quilmes hasta que se jubiló en 1910.

A partir de esa fecha, no se nombró ningún otro pastor para St John's. La iglesia se usó de vez en cuando hasta 1955, fecha en que cerró definitivamente.

La propiedad se vendió y se destinó a una quinta de verduras, el edificio aún queda, abandonado, deteriorandose con el tiempo a pesar de haber sido declarado Monumento Histórico Nacional.

Introduction to St John's Church, Quilmes

In 1855, Scottish immigrants, who had settled in the country districts to the south east of Buenos Aires, formed a congregation. It was centered in a part of Quilmes now named Florencio Varela and there they built a church. The first minister, the Rev. Francis Gebbie, arrived to take up his post in 1857 and worked until his retirement in 1883 on the grounds of ill-health.

During this time he also assumed responsibility for a subsidiary congregation for the local Scottish settlers at Jeppener, who also built a church in 1860 that remained in use until 1927.

The second minister, the Rev. Lachlan McNeill, arrived in Argentina in 1866 to minister to the Scots settlers in Uruguay and the Province of Entre Rios. He was invited to move in 1883 to Florencio Varela to assume responsibilities for St John's, remaining there until his retirement in 1910.

No full time minister was subsequently appointed to St John's, though occasionally services were held there until its closure in 1955.

The church site was sold for use as a market garden and the former church building still stands, abandoned and falling to ruin, although being declared a Monumento Histórico Provincial. Its future is uncertain.

Pág. Marido
date of marriage
1 130 Barclay, Alexander Bell, Marion 27/3/1857 fg
2 130 Young, Thomas Esnider [Snider], Landocia 8/4/1857 fg
3 130 Torry, John Hardie, Margaret 14/10/1857 fg
4 130 Greig, James Hart, Janet Hector 23/2/1858 fg
5 130 McGaul, Samuel McGaw, Elizabeth 2/3/1858 fg
6 131 Burnet, Robert Cribes [Cribbes], Mary 18/2/1859 fg
7 131 Sutton, Lucio Graham, Jessie 15/4/1859 fg
8 130 Dick, John Gilmour, Ellen 7/12/1859 fg
9 131 Watson, Thomas Bonallie, John Ann 2/1/1860 fg
10 131 Bell, James Bell or Balleny, George? Jeanie 6/1/1860 fg
11 131 Black, Neil McRevie or Rogers, Elizabeth 17/2/1860 fg
12 131 Brown, Reuben Moodie, Jane Hampton or 18/2/1860 fg
13 131 Johnstone, Joseph McCargo, Jane 24/2/1860 fg
14 132 Orphant, George Dods [Dodds], Isabella 2/3/1860 fg
15 132 Barclay, James Barclay, Margaret 15/3/1860 fg
16 132 Sinclair, James Bonallie, Margaret 15/3/1860 fg
17 132 Cribes [Cribbes], George Dow, Catharine 13/6/1860 fg
18 132 Lawrie, James Hardy, Jane Margaret 15/8/1860 fg
19 132 McArthur, Archibald Watson, Christina 21/12/1860 fg
20 132 Denholm, Alexander Brown, Isabella 1/2/1861 fg
21 133 Palmer, George Carrigle [Carrigall], Eusebia Ignacia 25/2/1861 fg
22 133 Temperley, William Graham, Ellen 1/4/1861 fg
23 133 Ramsay, James Tweedie Robson, Jane 4/6/1862 fg
24 133 Mohr Bell, James Robson, Mary 4/6/1862 fg
25 133 Young, John Barclay, Euphemia 22/1/1863 fg
26 133 Frers, Otto Mayer, Elisa 18/3/1863 fg
27 133 Blackhall, James Longstaff, Sarah 20/4/1863 fg
28 134 Petersen, Otto Kirkerup, Ida 21/8/1863 fg
29 134 Young, Andrew McDonald or Macadam, Margaret 30/11/1863 fg
30 134 Hardy [Hardie], John Ford, Isabella 19/1/1864 fg
31 134 Ferguson, Martin Paterson Schmidt, Augusta E. 13/12/1864 fg
32 134 Shedden, James Purvis, Margaret 6/1/1865 fg
33 134 Cowes, James Robert McCargo, Mary 14/3/1865 fg
34 135 Brünner, Charles William Althorn, Christina Fredericka 10/2/1866 fg
35 135 Buchanan, John Buchanan, Mary Ann 9/4/1866 fg
36 135 Brown, Joshua Manson, Marion 25/4/1866 fg
37 135 Roscoe, Roger Wylde, Margaret 2/3/1868 fg
38 135 Bell, Andrew Woollens, Mary Ann 21/4/1868 fg
39 135 Bell, George Robson, Margaret 9/7/1868 fg
40 135 Robinson, Richard Temperley, Mary Ann 13/12/1868 fg
41 136 Gebbie, Andrew Manson, Margaret 26/3/1869 fg
42 136 Brown, William Hardy, Cathrine 24/6/1869 fg
43 136 Behrens, John Miller, Margaret 2/9/1869 fg
44 136 Miller, Louis Behrens, Christina 30/12/1869 fg
45 136 Nielsen, Peter Larsen, Catalina 19/1/1870 fg
46 136 Larsen, Peter Madsen, Ana Margarita 19/1/1870 fg
47 136 Petersen, Adolf Enrique Waldemar Wagner, Edel Sofia 19/1/1870 fg
48 136 Kaiser, Francisco van Domselaar, Gertrudis 8/9/1870 fg
49 137 Osgood, William Barnes, Ellen 26/9/1871 fg
50 137 Jörgensen, Frederick Nielsen, Maria Johanna 1/10/1871 fg
51 137 Smith, John C. Hardie, Elizabeth 3/10/1871 fg
52 137 Walton, Joseph Starrett Gow, Helen 17/10/1871 fg
53 137 Evans, Martin Stanley, Mary Ann 8/12/1871 fg
54 137 Gentles, James McCloskie, Isabella 13/3/1872 fg
55 137 Saunders, John McMorrine, Janet 19/3/1872 fg
56 138 Guthrie, Thomas Brown, Mary 24/5/1872 fg
57 138 Marshall, John Mackay, Jemima Smith 19/11/1872 fg
58 138 Cowes, James Robert McCargo, Isabella 30/4/1873 fg
59 138 Stewart, John McGaul, Elizabeth 13/5/1873 fg
60 138 Lustan, Cayetano Anthony, Elizabeth 18/6/1874 fg
61 138 Young, Andrew McCargo, Margaret 28/7/1875 fg
62 139 Inglis, John Byng Cowan, Catherine Anne 24/8/1876 fg
63 139 Behrens, Carlos Müller, Abemina 27/11/1876 fg
64 139 Scott, David Cowes, Rubina [Robina] 20/2/1878 fg
65 139 Cowes, William Reid, Louisa 17/4/1878 fg
66 139 Cowan, James Marr, Margaret 27/6/1878 fg

Pág. Marido
date of marriage
where married
67 140 Wilkie, Andrew McGaul, Mary Faulkes 1/1/1879 lm Brandsen Partido  
68 140 Goodfellow, Hugh (aged 41) Dow, Margaret (aged 29) 24/1/1879 fg The Macedonia, Arroyo de los Huesos, Partido de Tandil Frederick Manly, James Harris
69 140 Murray, Alexander Black, Margaret 18/2/1879 fg    
70 140 Barnes, Edward (aged 24) Rice, Mary (aged 21) 14/3/1879 fg Residence of the father of the bridegroom in the Partido de Azul William B Grant, Robert Bruce Gibbings
71 140 Bell, John Marr, Jane 22/10/1879 fg    
72 141 Lawrence, Henry (of full age) Daniel, Elizabeth (of full age) 22/3/1880 fg Estancia La Margarita in the Partido of Rauch John Brabazin [Brabazon], jr., Thomas Daniel
73 141 Dodds, Thomas Crosbie, Elizabeth McDuff 22/7/1880 fg    
74 141 Rodman, Robert Burnet, Catherine 5/10/1880 fg San Felipe, Partido de Chascomus  
75 141 Sives, Archibald Phillpott, Caroline 28/3/1881 lm   William Lyle, William Rodger, Jack Lyle
76 142 Naylor, William (England) Adie, Mary Susana (Australia) 8/3/1882 fg Estancia Pendu?, Partido de Azul William B. Grant, Charles S. Fay
77 142 Brown, Archibald (Buenos Aires) Dempster, Jane (Scotland) 27/4/1882 fg Partido de Ensenada John Davidson, jr., James Reid.
78 142 Rundie, John Shamyl? Angel (Johnstone, Scotland) Murphy, Honor Philomela (London) 26/10/1882 fg Town of Azul Joseph Barnes, Thomas Barnes
79 143 Purvis, William (Buenos Aires) Mahon, Margaret (Buenos Aires) 30/1/1883 fg Partido de Brandzen Antonio Garcia, Carolina Broklyn
80 143 McFarlane, Alexander Sinclair, Ann 1/5/1884 lm Department of Concordia, Entre Ríos Peter McDonald, George Paterson
81 143 Brown, Alexander Harris, Mary Ellen 26/6/1884 lm Estancia Floresta, Partido Brandzen David Brown, John Manwell, Charles Harris
82 143 Allen, James Laurie Marini, Virginia 1/10/1884 lm St John's Scotch Church, Partido Quilmes William Rutherford Lockart and ---
83 144 McDonald, Duncan McLachlan, Mary 15/1/1885 lm Department of Concordia, Entre Ríos Archibald McLean, George Paterson, John McLachlan
84 144 Jackson, Joseph Benson Shillingford, Isabella 26/1/1886 lm Chascomús Robert Shillingford, Emilia Shillingford, Christina Greig
85 144 de la Luz, Antonio Lamstead, Annie 22/7/1886 lm Department of Concordia, Entre Ríos Lachlan McNeill, James McAuslane, Bessie McNeill
86 144 Brown, Joseph Anthony, Agnes or Lucy Ritchie 30/7/1886 lm Estancia Los Pinos, Partido Ensenada Isbella Brown, D. M. Munro, Archibald Brown
87 145 Erben, Francisco Engelman, Carolina 27/7/1887 lm Mandisoví, Entre Ríos Hanibal Harwig, Carlos Engelman, Isabel McNeill
88 145 Bush, George Jacobson, Anita 19/3/1888 lm Scotch Church, Quilmes Jacob Jacobsen, Daniel Bellie
89 145 Northmore, Solomon Fernández, Desderia 19/4/1888 lm Sauce, Province of Corrientes Thomas Ogilvie, Alexander McFarlane, Thomas Morley
90 145 Cowan, William Marr, Ann 26/4/1888 lm Partido Las Flores Alexander Marr, George Copland
91 146 Kannemann [Kaneman], Alberto Lanz, Maria 3/10/1888 lm Mandisoví, Federación, Entre Ríos  
92 146 Heinz, Erig Hyronimus Max Oberhorer, Maria Rappetta Paulinos 3/10/1888 lm Mandisoví, Federación, Entre Ríos  
93 146 Harezek, Jose Trevanz, Emilia Teresa 3/10/1888 lm Mandisoví, Federación, Entre Ríos  
94 146 Hiez, Emilio Walter, Matilde 3/10/1888 lm Mandisoví, Federación, Entre Ríos Augusto Graph, James McNeill, John Frasek?
95 146 Schultz, Alberto Bussie, Augusta 14/10/1888   Estancia La Florida, Partido Brandzen John T. Simons, Alberto Schultz
95: Los contrayentes de este matrimonio han reconocido y dejan legitimizado en este acto a su hijo natural Alberto nacido en Alemania 29/3/1878, firman Augusta Bussie, Alberto Schulz, Lachlan McNeill, Alberto Schmitt, Jose Sangner?, 8/11/1888
96 147 Kaht, Hugo Ernesto Schulz, Luisa Auguste 9/12/1888 lm Jeppener Carlos Kirchner, Christina Stephan
97 147 Burnet, Robert Paterson Cowan, Mary Elizabeth 24/1/1889 lm Partido Rauch William Burnet, William Cowan
98 147 Walther, Luis Adam Barclay, Isabella 15/3/1889 lm Partido Ranchos James Walther, James Barclay, Isabella Cowes

Pág. Marido
date of marriage
where married
99 148 McLean, Hector Heggie, Catherine 12/7/1890 lm Buenos Aires
100 148 Young, William Cort, Rebecca 1/10/1890 lm Merinos, Partido Ranchos, Buenos Aires
101 148 McMullen, Edward Henry Denholm, Mary Elizabeth 26/12/1890 lm Bahía Blanca
102 148 McLaren, Simon Cameron, Christina 27/7/1891 lm Salado
103 148 McTavish, Archibald Majatan, Janet 20/1/1892 lm Concordia, Entre Rios
104 148 McFarlane, John Buchanan, Christina 2/2/1892 lm Mandisoví, Federación, Entre Ríos
105 149 McGregror, Allan Barclay, Johnann 10/8/1892 lm Estancia Arromo, Partido General Paz
106 149 Burnet, William Charles Cowan, Ann Alice 22/3/1893 lm Las Flores
107 149 Orphant, George Dodds Young, Barbara Rankin 7/9/1893 lm Sajones, Partido General Paz
108 149 Müller, Frederick Landaburu, Pilar 12/10/1893 lm St John's Church, Partido Florencio Varela
109 149 Gragitina [Gragetena], John Miguel Sanders, May Ellen 19/12/1893 lm Partido Florencio Varela
110 150 Pettigrew, John McDonald Sherriff, Jane 25/12/1893 lm Estancia Los Agarrobos [sic] Partido Bahía Blanca
111 150 Loder, Robert Howard Quade, Harriet Crescencia 18/7/1894 lm Buenos Aires
112 150 Barclay, Robert Johnstone, Jane R. 17/4/1895 lm La Plata
113 150 Weir, Douglas Scott Dodds, Isabella Watt 28/3/1896 lm Pergamino
114 150 Purvis, Thomas Allan Young, Margaret Ann Campbell 24/6/1896 lm Airfield San Vicente
115 151 Orphant, James Young, Mary Ellen Eliza 7/1/1897 lm General Paz
116 151 Watson, James Young, Euphemia Rodger 16/6/1897 lm Buenos Aires
117 151 Marr, Alexander Foster, Hannah Victoria 17/6/1897 lm Las Flores
118 151 McNeill, Lachlan McKellar, Mary Ellen 22/3/1899 lm San José Feliciano, Entre Ríos
119 151 Peter, John Stewart O'Dwyer, Belinda Ada 14/12/1899 lm San Guillermo, Gualeguay, Entre Ríos
120 151 Christie, Lawrence Guthrie, Anne Hope 17/5/1900 lm Phoenix Hotel, Buenos Aires
121 152 Osterman, John Greig, Caroline 20/11/1900 lm Jeppener
122 152 Purvis, David Lyon, Mary 28/2/1901 lm San Vicente
123 152 Johnstone, Ernest John Henderson, Olivia Clara 6/3/1901 lm General La Madrid
124 152 Boulan, Justo MacInnes, Guillermina 20/7/1901 lm San Vicente
125 152 Gebbie, Thomas St John Robson, Juanita 11/5/1903 lm St Andrew's Church, Buenos Aires
126 152 Grant, John Lyon, Ellen 22/5/1903 lm Chascomús
127 152 McCall, William Moon, Marian Amy 13/6/1903 lm Bonnement, FCS
128 153 Lutken, Charles Young, Margaret Barbara 25/6/1903 lm Santa Isabel, Partido Colón, Buenos Aires
129 153 Young, Thomas Adam Stewart, Helen McGaul 7/4/1904 lm Cañelas
130 153 Christophersen, Knud MacGregor, Elizabeth Jessie 8/3/1905 lm San José [de] Flores
131 153 Fallesen, Edward Charles Fallesen, Matilde Rosina 3/3/1906 lm San Vicente
132 153 Puga, John Ramón Burnet, Mary Jane 19/5/1906 lm Olavarría
133 153 McNeill, James Murchland Macdonald, Annie C. 27/3/1907 lm Mandisoví Church, Entre Ríos
134 154 Simons, Ernest C. Niven, Elizabeth 24/3/1908 lm Bahía Blanca
135 154 Ferreira, Ramón Felipe MacInnes, Sarah 27/4/1908 lm San Vicente Station, FCS
136 154 Watson, John Broughen, Bertha 23/12/1908 lm St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Buenos Aires
137 154 Marinero, Pedro Bautista Buchanan, Margaret Manuell 16/1/1909 lm Domselaar
138 154 Buchanan, John Lyon, Marion Wallace 12/05/1909 lm Brandzen
139 154 Buchanan, John MacGregor, Mabel 09/10/1909 lm Flores

Fuente: Archivo Iglesia San Andrés Centro, Buenos Aires
© La forma de presentación de estos datos se reserva al autor, Jeremy Howat, noviembre 2008.