I [the man's full name], aged
[age] years, a native of
[the man's place and country of birth],
do solemnly declare upon oath previous
to my intended marriage with [the woman's full name],
a native of [the woman's place and country of
birth], that I am a [marital status],
and that there exists no legal or other impediment what ever to my entering into
the Holy state of Matrimony.
So help me God.
[man's signature]
Thus done, signed and sworn
at the British Consulate in
Buenos Ayres, this [day]
day of [month] 18[year]
Before me
[Consul's signature]
We, the undersigned, being personally acquainted with the aforesaid
[the man's full name], do hereby declare that to the best
of our knowledge and belief the foregoing statement is true and correct.
Before me, [signatures of two witnesses]
I [the woman's full name], aged [age] years, a native of
[the woman's place and country of birth], do solemnly declare upon oath previous
to my intended marriage with [the man's full name],
a native of [the man's place and country of birth], that I am a [marital status],
and that there exists no legal or other impediment what ever to my entering into
the Holy state of Matrimony.
So help me God.
[woman's signature]
Thus done, signed and sworn
at the British Consulate in
Buenos Ayres, this [day]
day of [month] 18[year]
Before me
[Consul's signature]
We, the undersigned, being personally acquainted with the aforesaid
[the woman's full name], do hereby declare that to the best
of our knowledge and belief the foregoing statement is true and correct.
Before me, [signatures of two witnesses]