Provincia de Buenos Aires: bautismos 1883-1893

Introducción y bautismos 1883-1893, y 1895-1903,   casamientos 1883-1888, y 1888-1911,   sepelios 1884-1891

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El Obispo Waite H. Stirling desarolló una estrategia para la atención pastoral de los miembros de la Iglesia Anglicana que vivían en la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Comenzó en 1881 con el nombramiento del Reverendo J. H. Gybbon-Spilsbury. Radicado en Flores, él debía viajar por la Provincia visitando a los miembros de la Iglesia Anglicana.

Los registros de la Iglesia en Flores demuestran que por 1883 las necesidades de la Parroquia de Flores eran tales que el Obispo Stirling debió nombrar otro pastor para atender a los Anglicanos residentes en el campo.

El Reverendo Robert Allen comenzó la atención pastoral de residentes de la Provincia de Buenos Aires en 1883, con base en Bahía Blanca. Los registros de bautismo, matrimonio y defunción que él llevó, y que aquí se transcriben, contienen muchos detalles interesantes referentes a los inmigrantes británicos que se radicaron en esta región. Quizás el registro más interesante es el de bautismos que contiene los nombres de los niños y los domicilios de los padres.

Surgen datos, útiles para los historiadores, sobre la ubicación de las colonias agrícolas, por ejemplo Sauce Grande, Napostá, Sauce Corto y Vitícola Argentino, y cuales atraían a los inmigrantes británicos.

El Reverendo Robert Allen estaba dispuesto a viajar mucho, lo encontramos visitando estancias y pueblos en muchas partes de la Provincia y aún mas lejos.

En 1886, por decisión del Obispo, Allen se radicó Fray Bentos, Uruguay, donde permaneció hasta 1891. Sin embargo los registros de bautismo demuestran que continuó atendiendo a los residentes en el campo de Buenos Aires, realizando frecuentes viajes.

El problema de la atención pastoral de los miembros de la Iglesia Anglicana residentes en la Provincia de Buenos Aires se resolvió en 1893. El vicario de la recién establecida iglesia Santa Trinidad de Lomas de Zamora fue encargado de visitar a Bahía Blanca y otros distritos rurales para realizar bautismos y matrimonios. Así encontramos al Reverendo Edward George Cocks combinando las obligaciones en Lomas con visitas periódicas al campo bonaerense entre 1895 y 1900.

Fue sólo en 1908 que la Diócesis pudo volver a nombrar un vicario para la parroquia de Bahía Blanca.

In the 1880s, Bishop Waite H. Stirling developed a strategy for the pastoral care of church members living in the Province of Buenos Aires. He began by the appointment in 1881 of the Revd J. H. Gybbon-Spilsbury. He was based in Flores, a newly-developing suburb of Buenos Aires. His tasks were, in the first place, to travel throughout the Province, visiting members of the Anglican Church.

However, by 1883, the needs of the residents of Flores had increased to the point that Bishop Stirling had to appoint another priest, solely to care pastorally for the Province. The Flores Church registers show clearly this change of policy.

In 1883, the Revd Robert Allen began his pastoral duties in the Province of Buenos Aires, basing himself in Bahía Blanca. The registers of baptisms, marriages and burials he maintained, here transcribed and published in these webpages, reveal many interesting details about the immigrants from Britain who settled in this large region of Argentina. Perhaps the most useful are the names of the children in the baptism register and where they and their parents were living.

What emerges is data, useful to the historian, of where agricultural colonies were being established in the Province, such as Sauce Grande, Napostá, Sauce Corto and Vitícola Argentino. Because of what we are finding in these registers, we are now able to see more of the pattern of where immigrants settled and which colonies they favoured.

As Robert Allen was prepared to travel widely, we find him visiting estancias and settlements in many parts of the Province and even further afield.

In 1886, a further decision was made by the bishop to base him in Uruguay, at Fray Bentos. Here he was to remain until 1891. However, he retained his pastoral care for the residents of the Province of Buenos Aires. The baptism records show that he still made frequent return visits.

The problem of how to continue meeting the needs of church members living in the Province was resolved in 1893. The vicar of the newly established Holy Trinity Church in Lomas de Zamora, situated just to the south of the City of Buenos Aires, was given the responsibility of making occasional trips to Bahía Blanca and the country districts nearby to perform baptisms and marriages. So we find the Revd Edward George Cocks combining his duties in Lomas with periodic visits to the Buenos Aires camp between the years 1895 and 1900.

It was not until 1908 that it became possible again for the Diocese to appoint a vicar to the parish established in Bahía Blanca.

Reg. No. When born
When baptised
Name Father's name Mother's name Abode Occupation Officiating minister
Reg. No. Fecha de Nacimiento
Fecha de Bautismo
Apellido, Nombre del Niño Nombre del Padre Nombre de la Madre Domicilio Ocupación del Padre Oficiante
1 1/10/1883 9/12/1883 McCorquodale, Mary James Janet Sauce Grande Estanciero RobtA
2 28/6/1883 16/12/1883 Muir, Arthur Boote Alexander D. Jane Ann Sauce Grande Servant RobtA
3 8/8/1883 30/12/1883 Catty, Annie Alice George E. C. Mary Barbara Sauce Grande Estanciero RobtA
4 17/8/1882 30/12/1883 McFarlane, Elizabeth James Ellen Marshall Fuerte Argentino Ploughman RobtA
5 23/7/1882 23/1/1884 Mauders, Florence George Maria Curumalán Puestero RobtA
6 25/9/1882 23/1/1884 Ninon, Ferdinand Benry Louis Emile Lena La Cascada Servants RobtA
7 4/7/1883 10/2/1884 Gardom, Elinor Beatrice Benjamin William Agnes Martha El Puerto, Bahía Blanca Engineer RobtA
8 22/4/1882 9/3/1884 Collins, Francis Thomas William Beatrice San Pedro Station, FCS Station master RobtA
9 22/4/1882 9/3/1884 Barnes, John Edward Edward Mary Maria Pinedo Tenant RobtA
10 11/9/1882 9/4/1884 Rundie, Lillie Sophy Catherine Louis Samuel Angel Honor Philomena La Cascada, Curumalán Servants RobtA
10 21/11/1883 9/4/1884 Rundie, Louis Henry Louis Samuel Angel Honor Philomena La Cascada, Curumalán Servants RobtA
11 26/4/1884 21/5/1884 Kilby, William Henry James Alice Pinedo, FCS Station master RobtA
12 31/8/1883 25/5/1884 Brown, Jacob Henry James Lena El Puerto, Bahía Blanca Butcher RobtA
13 21/10/1883 29/6/1884 Shae, Adeline Joseph John William Mary Elizabeth Sauce Grande Tenant RobtA
14 18/11/1883 25/7/1884 Christian, Agnes James Felipa J. Baker's Estancia Puestero RobtA
15 21/1/1882 9/8/1884 Bridge, Sidney Orrel Berry [Nancy] Azúl, FCS Engine inspector RobtA
16 28/6/1884 24/8/1884 Gates, Charles Henry James Margaret Las Matanzas, near Olavarría Puestero RobtA
17 6/9/1884 1/10/1884 Smith, William Carter George William Mary Joanna Estancia San Antonio, near Azúl Tenant RobtA
18 13/4/1884 2/11/1884 Hillcot, Catherine Henry Mary near Los Tojos, La Tigra, FCS Tenant RobtA
19 6/10/1884 2/11/1884 Lawrence, Henry Henry Elizabeth near Los Tojos, La Tigra, FCS Tenant RobtA
20 7/10/1884 16/11/1884 Barber, Elinor Henry James Alfred Agnes Ashby La Leña, Sauce Grande Estanciero RobtA
21 5/12/1883 31/1/1885 Bleynet, Enrique Jeremiah Bartolomeo Antonia Menclini Bahía Blanca Chacrero (Italians) RobtA
22 5/12/1884 21/2/1885 Powell, Ruth Percival James Alice Estación Alfalfa, FCS Station master RobtA
23   24/3/1885 Martell, Florence Ethel Joseph Matilda ship "Electric Light" Skipper RobtA
24   17/5/1885 Wenner-Ström, Hilda Emma Ingeborg Emil Eliza Bahía Blanca Shop keeper RobtA
25   8/6/1885 Barnes, Ralfe Edward Mary Pinedo Tenant RobtA
26   14/6/1885 McMullen, William David Margaret Jeffers F. Leishman's Estancia, Napostá Chica Puestero RobtA
27   5/7/1885 Evans, Esau David Esau Joan Sauce Corto, FCS Welsh colonists RobtA
28   5/7/1885 Jones, Maggie Thomas R. Anne Sauce Corto, FCS [Welsh] colonists RobtA
29   21/7/1885 Slater, Edith Mabel William Elizabeth El Puerto, Bahía Blanca Employee, FCS RobtA
30   13/9/1885 Haggerty, James James Elizabeth near Los Tojos, La Tigra, FCS Puestero RobtA
31   13/9/1885 Haggerty, Rebecca James Elizabeth near Los Tojos, La Tigra, FCS Puestero RobtA
32   21/9/1885 Leishman, Elizabeth Timothy Susan Napostá Chica Estanciero BpWHS
33   15/11/1885 Ogan, Arthur Rivadavia Arthur William Clementina Sauce Grande Pulpero RobtA
34   15/11/1885 Moler, Margarita Juan Mario Primitiva Sauce Grande Puestero RobtA
35   13/12/1885 Allen, James Thomas Ellen Las Horchetas [Horquetas?], Sauce Corto, FCS Puestero RobtA
36   24/1/1886 Hutton, Jessie Cape William James Minnie Napostá Chica Carpenter RobtA
37   28/2/1886 Niven, Hannah Octavia James Mary Sauce Grande Estanciero RobtA
38   3/3/1886 Lett, Richard Cary Richard Edward Annie Clarke Pigüé Estanciero RobtA
39   14/3/1886 Barton, Rosana Violet Thomas Edgar Hannah Mary Colina Puestero RobtA
40 26/2/1886 28/3/1886 Thomas, William Llewellyn John George Mary Llewellyn Sauce Corto, FCS Colonist RobtA
41 31/12/1885 28/3/1886 Thomas, David Cosselet John Cosslet Caroline Sauce Corto, FCS Colonist RobtA
42   18/4/1886 Lenz, Caroline Eliza Carlos Ernestina near Pinedo Puestero RobtA
43 30/3/1886 29/8/1886 Hanley, Grace Annie William Charles Charlotte Frances Sauce Corto, FCS Colonist RobtA
44 3/7/1886 29/8/1886 Owens, David John Elias Kate Sauce Corto, FCS Colonist RobtA
45 12/6/1886 4/9/1886 Barber, John Power Henry James Alfred Agnes Ashby La Leña, Sauce Grande Estanciero RobtA
46 30/1/1886 4/9/1886 Shae, Lily Rhoda Joseph John William Sarah Elizabeth Sauce Grande Tenant RobtA
47 17/3/1887 8/8/1887 Baker, Charlotte Mary John Law Jessie Paton Azúl, FCS Estanciero RobtA
48 4/9/1886 14/8/1887 Jones, Thomas Richard Thomas R. Anne Sauce Corto, FCS Colonist RobtA
49 25/12/1886 14/8/1887 Evans, Christmas Esau Joan Sauce Corto, FCS Colonist RobtA
50 8/6/1887 21/8/1887 Ogan, Percival Rivadavia Arthur William Clementina Lucretia Bahía Blanca School master RobtA
51 7/7/1887 21/8/1887 Slater, William Ernest William Elizabeth El Puerto, Bahía Blanca Engine driver RobtA
52 7/8/1882 23/8/1887 Hemmingsen, Feliza Pedro Emilie Gotlieb Dinamarquesa, Puán Estanciero RobtA
53 15/9/1884 23/8/1887 Hemmingsen, Juan Pedro Pedro Emilie Gotlieb Dinamarquesa, Puán Estanciero RobtA
54 27/10/2996 23/8/1887 Hemmingsen, Juliana Pedro Emilie Gotlieb Dinamarquesa, Puán Estanciero RobtA
55 2 to 3 years 24/8/1887 Steinkemp, William Gerard Ellen Estancia San Ramón Puestero RobtA
56 1 to 2 years 24/8/1887 Steinkemp, Frederic Gerard Ellen Estancia San Ramón Puestero RobtA
57 a fortnight old 24/8/1887 Steinkemp, James Gerard Ellen Estancia San Ramón Puestero RobtA
58 27/8/1884 28/8/1887 Carruthers, David James Mary Estancia El Paraíso, Napostá Chico Puestero RobtA
59 30/8/1887 28/8/1887 Carruthers, Peter James Mary Estancia El Paraíso, Napostá Chico Puestero RobtA
60 8/8/1886 30/8/1887 Buckle, Jane William Jane Estancia La Leña, Sauce Grande Renter of camp RobtA
61 9/7/1887 1/9/1887 Niven, Annie Lennox James Mary Sauce Grande Estanciero RobtA
62 23/3/1886 6/9/1887 Tipping, Edmund Henry Emma Bahía Blanca Estanciero RobtA
63 5/6/1886 7/9/1887 Catty, George Frederic Gordon George Ernest Mary Barbara Estancia El Divisorio, Partido Pringles Estanciero RobtA
64 4/9/1886 7/9/1887 Longstaff, John Richard John Peter Jessie Estancia La Leña, Sauce Grande Puestero RobtA
65 22/2/1885 14/9/1887 Gordon, Charles George John Mary Estancia La Británnica, Venado Tuerto Estanciero RobtA
66 13/6/1886 14/9/1887 Gordon, Sarah Eleanor Winifred John Mary Estancia La Británnica, Venado Tuerto Estanciero RobtA
67 15/3/1888 4/5/1888 Loliger, Domingo Enrique Carlito Domingo María Timm Shaw, FCS Farmer RobtA
68 5/4/1888 4/5/1888 James, Julius Llewellyn Llewellyn Emily Shaw, FCS Estanciero RobtA
69 11/10/1887 23/5/1888 Barber, Katherine Henry James Alfred Agnes Ashby La Leña, Sauce Grande Estanciero RobtA
70 9/5/1888 25/5/1888 Cobbold, Marcus Guy Walter Joseph Margaret Elizabeth Sauce Grande Estanciero RobtA
71 9/1/1882 1/6/1888 Jorgensen, Agnes Hilda Niels Federico Maria Brandt Bahía Blanca Cartman RobtA
72 9/5/1883 1/6/1888 Jorgensen, Eva Felice Niels Federico Maria Brandt Bahía Blanca Cartman RobtA
73 14/3/1885 1/6/1888 Jorgensen, Ramon Carlos Niels Federico Maria Brandt Bahía Blanca Cartman RobtA
74 14/3/1888 1/6/1888 Jorgensen, Christian José Niels Federico Maria Brandt Bahía Blanca Cartman RobtA
75 6/4/1888 4/6/1888 Stow, Daphne Maitland Kenyon Jessie Lydia Curumalán Estanciero RobtA
76 7/5/1888 22/10/1888 Stewart, William Hodson Charles Edward Edith Rachel La Gama, FCS Station master RobtA
77   4/11/1888 Romer, Frank Wolfgang Robert   Lomas de Zamora, FCS La Platense RobtA
78 3/9/1888 16/12/1888 Jones, Sarah Ellen Thomas Ann Sauce Corto, FCS Colonist RobtA
79 15/9/1888 16/12/1888 Collingwood, Elizabeth Mary Henry Robinson Jane La Cascada, Curumalán, FCS Domestic servant RobtA
80 6/9/1888 20/12/1888 Womersley, Thomas Allen Robert Eveleen Bahía Blanca Gentleman RobtA
81 8/1/1889 11/3/1889 Livingston, Lila Millie William Lord Jessie Scott Estancia Los Leones, Santa Fe Estanciero RobtA
82 23/11/1888 in Southampton 26/5/1889 Crease, Norah Charles Elisha Janet Vitícola Argentino, Bahía Blanca Colonist RobtA
83   21/5/1889 Dashwood, Anna Mabel Charles Horace Petters Ellen Estancia La Ventura, Curumalán Estanciero RobtA
84 14/5/1889 2/6/1889 McEwen, Ethel Minnie May Arthur Emma Vitícola Argentino, Bahía Blanca Colonist RobtA
85   9/6/1889 Ogan, Mabel Llewellyn Arthur William Clementina Bahía Blanca School master RobtA
86 14/3/1889 9/6/1889 Davies, Thomas Henry Thomas Sarah Elizabeth El Puerto, Bahía Blanca Engine driver RobtA
87 12/6/1888 9/6/1889 Matthews, Albert Edward William Josephine El Puerto, Bahía Blanca Engine driver RobtA
88 26/5/1889 11/6/1889 Tipping, Emma Mary Henry Emma Bahía Blanca Estanciero RobtA
89 1/3/1886 16/6/1889 Mauders, Ada George Maria Pigüé Chacrero RobtA
90 30/3/1889 4/8/1889 Williams, John Llewellyn David B. Gwen Jones Sauce Corto, FCS Colonist RobtA
91 5/6/1889 25/8/1889 Smith, Gertrude Louisa Thomas Henry Sarah Máximo Paz, Buenos Aires Ploughman RobtA
92 2/8/1889 15/9/1889 Ainsworth, Thomas Henry Thomas Henry Mary Jane Villa Constitución, Santa Fe Railway clerk RobtA
93 10/8/1889 8/12/1889 Dorrington, Thomas John Arthur Sarah Napostá, Bahía Blanca Colonist RobtA
94 13/10/1889 8/12/1889 Moore, Elisabeth Vitícola William Mary Jane Napostá, Bahía Blanca Colonist RobtA
95 7/7/1889 8/12/1889 Anderson, Ellen Frances Walter Edward Harriet Napostá, Bahía Blanca Colonist RobtA
96 19/10/1889 8/12/1889 Parker, Frederick Eames John Annie Napostá, Bahía Blanca Colonist RobtA
97 10/11/1888 16/12/1889 Longstaff, George Leonard John Peter Jessie Estancia La Leña, Sauce Grande Puestero RobtA
98 21/8/1889 16/12/1889 Dyer, Ralph Chiverton Ralph John Caroline Elizabeth Estancia El Divisorio, Sauce Grande Chacrero RobtA
99 20/9/1889 16/12/1889 Barber, Hilary Alison Henry James Alfred Agnes Ashby Estancia La Leña, Sauce Grande Estanciero RobtA
100 29/10/1887 19/12/1889 Buckle, Elisabeth William Susan Coronel Pringles Chacrero RobtA
101 2/7/1889 19/12/1889 Buckle, Amy William Susan Coronel Pringles Chacrero RobtA
102 13/7/1884 19/12/1889 Charmey, Carolina Abraham Margarita Coronel Pringles Chacrero RobtA
103 22/5/1889 29/12/1889 Cobbold, Elisabeth Harriet Walter Joseph Margaret Elizabeth Sauce Corto, FCS Estanciero RobtA
104 3/4/1889 29/12/1889 Hanley, Nelly William Charles Charlotte Frances Sauce Corto, FCS Colonist RobtA
105 24/7/1888 29/12/1889 Allen, John Thomas Ellen Sauce Corto, FCS Puestero RobtA
106 22/7/1889 29/12/1889 Allen, Robert Thomas Ellen Sauce Corto, FCS Puestero RobtA
107 1/11/1889 29/12/1889 Thomas, Evan John John Caroline Sauce Corto, FCS Colonist RobtA
108 28/8/1888 29/12/1889 Williams, Thomas John Sarah Sauce Corto, FCS Colonist RobtA
109 24/11/1888 29/12/1889 John, Elisabeth David Mary Sauce Corto, FCS Colonist RobtA
110 30/5/1889 29/12/1889 Owens, Evan Owens Elias Katherine Sauce Corto, FCS Colonist RobtA
111 26/6/1889 30/12/1889 Rogers, Ellen Leslie Charles Colthurst Mabel Leslie Arroyo Corto, FCS Estanciero RobtA
112 17/8/1889 5/1/1890 Pickard, Edward Temple Charles Dix Leonora Pigüé   RobtA
113   19/1/1890 James, Elisabeth Agnes Llewellyn Emily Shaw, FCS Estanciero RobtA
114 9/12/1889 16/3/1890 McDonald, Annie Mary Michael Alice Napostá, Bahía Blanca Colonist RobtA
115 2/3/1890 16/3/1890 Oxford, Henry John John Sarah Napostá, Bahía Blanca Colonist RobtA
116 7/11/1889 16/3/1890 Osborne, John Herbert Arthur Louise Napostá, Bahía Blanca Colonist RobtA
117 11/2/1890 7/4/1890 Womersley, Percy Robert Eveleen Bahía Blanca Gentleman RobtA
118 5/9/1889 7/4/1890 Neuendam, Emilie Anna Victor Waldemar Maria Laserre Bahía Blanca Livery stables keeper RobtA
119 13/3/1890 13/4/1890 Moulton, George James James Sarah Anne Napostá, Bahía Blanca Colonist RobtA
120 17/9/1889 13/4/1890 Burnett, Jessie Thomas Robert Henry Clara Sarah Napostá, Bahía Blanca Colonist RobtA
121 3/4/1890 20/4/1890 Gardom, Winifred Mary Benjamin William Agnes Martha Villa Constitución, Santa Fe Engineer RobtA
122 14/3/1890 10/4/1890 Perch, Howard Leonard Howard Griffith Edith Charlotte Tornquist, FCS Estanciero RobtA
123 4/6/1890 9/6/1890 McIntosh, Charles Reynolds William Annie Bahía Blanca Fitter RobtA
124 12/2/1890 15/6/1890 Day, Bertha Erica Robert Annie Bahía Blanca Fitter RobtA
125 20/5/1890 13/7/1890 Booke, Edith Alice John Kate Vitícola Argentino Colonist RobtA
126 4/4/1890 28/9/1890 Green, Albert Ernest James P. Clara El Puerto, Bahía Blanca Engine driver RobtA
127 28/7/1890 21/10/1890 Matthews, William Ernest William Samuel Josephine Olavarría Engine driver, FCS RobtA
128 17/5/1890 24/10/1890 Robatson, Cecil Henry Watson Arthur Swale Helen Mary Tala, Entre Rios Accountant RobtA
129 13/10/1890 24/10/1890 Hope, Christine Mary John Hayhurst Harriett Estancia Las Magnolias, Tala, Entre Rios Estanciero RobtA
130 6/12/1889 24/10/1890 Baker, Francis Adam Conyers Arthur Conyers Mary Abercrombie Estancia San Juan, Tala, Entre Rios Estanciero RobtA
131 20/9/1890 24/10/1890 Jones, John Samuel Thomas Edward Elizabeth Anne Tala, Entre Rios Engine driver RobtA
132 4/1/1890 24/10/1890 Wakeling, Agnes John William Martha Villaguay, Entre Rios   RobtA
133 2/8/1890 7/11/1890 Trery, Roger Eugene Charles A. Maria Amelia Bahía Blanca Civil engineer CAT
134 15/11/1889 16/11/1890 Meuleman, Emily Mary Anne Carlos Henrietta El Puerto, Bahía Blanca Carpenter RobtA
135 20/8/1890 30/11/1890 Bright, Edith Henry Emily Vitícola Argentino Colonist RobtA
136 4/8/1890 30/11/1890 Silvester, Lily John Jane Vitícola Argentino Colonist RobtA
137 26/2/1890 7/12/1890 Douglas, Florence Mary Henry Green Mary El Puerto, Bahía Blanca Engine driver RobtA
138 2/11/1890 13/2/1890 Kaltrup, Lucia Alexandra Axel Carla Bahía Blanca Merchant RobtA
139 6/10/1890 11/1/191 Brackenbury, Mary Henrietta Henry Augustus Mary Bahía Blanca Book keeper RobtA
140 12/10/1890 10/2/1891 Dashwood, Richard Raikes Charles Horace Petters Ellen Estancia La Ventura, Curumalán Estanciero RobtA
141 1/3/1891 22/3/1891 Rogers, Fanny Louise Alfred Emma Vitícola Argentino Colonist RobtA
142 23/2/1891 19/4/1891 Golding, George Arthur Daniel Charity El Puerto, Bahía Blanca Railway employee RobtA
143   10/6/1891 Rundie, William Oliver Louis Samuel Angel Charlotte Jane Sauce Corto, FCS Comisionista RobtA
144   21/6/1891 Williams, Elisabeth David Winifred Sauce Corto, FCS Blacksmith RobtA
145 22/8/1890 21/6/1891 Jones, Alice Thomas Ann Sauce Corto, FCS Colonist RobtA
146 5/11/1892 18/5/1893 Trery, Winifred May Charles Alfred Maria Amelia Bahía Blanca, FCS Engineer ATBP
147 23/1/1892 18/5/1893 Brackenbury, William John Henry Augustus Mary Bahía Blanca (deceased) ATBP
Fuente: Archivo parroquial, documento 80.10.01
© La forma de presentación de estos datos se reserva al autor, Jeremy Howat, agosto 2006.

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